ROSE RAMBLER 18.2.2016 …
Hello dear rose friends! Due to the very many emails we’ve received with queries about summer pruning, there will be …
SATURDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY – 10.30 AM AND 2.00 PM$20.00 PER PERSON – kids and dogs on leads very welcome!
Bring your secateurs for a clean/check/sharpen
– Booking would be good but not essential
Seems I caused a bit of confusion about reference to moon-phase pruning which starts today and ends on Sunday so come on up to Clonbinane this Saturday and we’ll go through it together – stick around for a cuppa and chat with fellow rose enthusiasts too!
For those who are unable to attend this weekend, the general rule for SUMMER ROSE PRUNING is to remove ONE-THIRD of the bush WHILST RETAINING AS MUCH FOLIAGE AS POSSIBLE! This is very important as healthy foliage cover protects stems from sun-burn and foliage is the ‘store-house’ of energy and nutrients for the entire plant.
If you’ve been trimming 1/3 off your bushes since they started flowering this season, a good tidy-up over the coming days will ensure you have lots and lots of roses through one of the loveliest flowering seasons, autumn. Continue trimming as flowers finish and the bushes will produce lovely blooms right up to winter.
Q. What has a neck but no head? A. A bottle
If you have pics of your garden, problem foliage or a rose variety which you would like to identify, please bring with you on Saturday. Pics like this are great to share:
Hi Graham, Diana and Mooi, attached is a photo of the climbing rose that we purchased a couple of years ago. I think it is called Dublin Bay. The two branches growing out of the main trunk, should they be cut off? Regards and thank you, Dawn and Noel.
Here is my response … NO WAY!!! when you are pruning next time, you might remove that oldest branch – the two large green stems are WATER SHOOTS which carry the flowers, renew the bush/climber – they are definitely not SUCKERS! There’s another smaller branch there – leave it! If you don’t ‘get it’ … please let me have more pics to give you more information! This is great photography too … I can see exactly what you’re talking about and hope my advice makes sense! Talk soon … Gra
Hope to see you on Saturday; meantime, because of the damp weather, continue with the organic rose management spray program at least monthly as healthy foliage ensures masses of roses … Gra
Q. What is a complete waste of time? A. Telling a hair-raising story to a bald man – believe me, it’s true, I do it all the time! (Diana)

Every single person who purchases the LOWE SECATEURS just raves about how brilliant they are – you can order online at or do what Caitlin did, she came to the Rose Farm on Valentine’s Day and conned her husband into buying her a pair after we’d designed a plan and opened her order for winter roses!
Thanks Diana! The secateurs are brilliant! I used them as soon as I got home and couldn’t find enough to prune! Thanks again, I really appreciate all your help and am much more comfortable purchasing from you rather than the larger companies. It’s all the little touches that you provide. I recommend you to all my garden admirers. Will be in touch! Caitlin

WOMO… Word of Mouth Online … if you have had an experience with our business which you would like to share, please place your testimonial at womo
I know we don’t get it right all the time but we extend ourselves 100% of the time and I think new customers would feel more confident purchasing our roses online if they could read all the testimonials I have in a folder where they can’t see them!
Please, if you could put your testimonial into WOMO, we would be most grateful – thank you in advance! Click the link below to leave us your review!

In the next few weeks, I’ll be seducing you with pics and descriptions of some of the new release roses we are listing for 2016 – we’ve seen all these roses growing in the field and they are sensational …
Is a beautifully proportioned rose with large Hybrid Tea shaped blooms of deep velvety red with silver/white reverse and blooms are either borne singly or in clusters. This lovely new rose for 2016 is a charity fund-raising rose for the “Charles Gardiner Hospital Leukaemia Fund” supporting research into leukaemia.There is a delicate and sweet fragrance on a healthy, rounded bush to 1.5mts tall

Leathery foliage that withstands fiery summer temperatures and acts as the perfect foil for the FEARLESS blooms of brilliant, intense orange. On a tidy even bush multiple flushes of bloom are produced almost year round. This multi-award winner has what it takes to be an all-time favourite. Flowers are large, with 35 petals, and the fragrance is sweet and light. Height : 150cm. Bronze Medal Australian Rose Trial Garden Awards 2009. Growers Notes: Handles all the heat you can give it. A compact and even bush for planting long lines. For fast repeat blooming deadhead often!

Is a wonderful new climbing rose for 2016. Bred by Kordes, Germany, this grand climbing rose is guaranteed to excite you as it will behold the most magnificently healthy, glossy foliage, is very robust and extremely floriferous.
Covering an area 2.2 x 1.8 metres, the beautifully formed, old-fashioned style blooms of brilliant red will create a most show-stopping display on a wall or fence – could also be trained up a post or held within an obelisk where it will flower from the ground up continually throughout the flowering season.

Our website will be open for purchasing your winter roses by the end of February – start creating your wish-list NOW … see you on Saturday for the pruning demo …
~ Graham, Diana & Mooi at Clonbinane