ROSE RAMBLER … 28.7.2016
Hello dear rose friends as we head into the last month of winter and our roses are shooting madly … soon they’ll be in full-leaf and if you haven’t pruned, the coming weeks will be ideal as the new shoots will guide you exactly where to cut! If you didn’t prune at least one-third from each stem of this seasons newly planted roses which came from Silkies Rose Farm, please do that now too!!!
After one of the coldest, bleakest winter weeks I can remember, let me start with a bit of humour:
Q. Why couldn’t the butterfly go to the dance? A. Because it was a moth ball.
With more favourable weather conditions on the horizon, the coming weeks would be ideal to enjoy some gardening time … upon completion of pruning it is wise to treat plants and their roots for fungus spores and insects which can ‘over-winter’ on the remaining branches and in mulch/soil.
Here at Silkies Rose Farm we use and recommend spraying with Eco-oil (botanical insecticide), Eco-rose (fungicide) combined with Eco-seaweed which acts as a stimulant for healthy foliage and prolific root development – we have used this organic spray management program on ALL our roses for MORE THAN 28 YEARS!
By definition, let me once again explain each of the products we use to retain consistently healthy foliage which is generally free of insect attack – remember too (don’t mean to harp on it) HEALTHY FOLIAGE MEANS A HEALTHY PLANT WHICH PRODUCES MASSES OF BLOOOMS CONSISTENTLY THROUGHOUT THE FLOWERING SEASON!!!
ECO-OIL is made from 100% plant oils (eucalyptus, melaleuca and canola) which effectively controls a broad range of insects including scale, mites, aphids, white fly and others most efficiently at the larval stage – ie, when the insect is tiny and not able to breed rampantly!
There is less risk of burning foliage using plant oils compared to white oil and other mineral based oils – care should always be taken to apply ANY oils and they should be used in the morning when the day temperature is not expected to exceed 30 degrees!
ECO-ROSE (also marketed as ECO-FUNGICIDE – same product, different packaging!) is made from food-grade ingredients and will effectively control powdery mildew, black spot and rust because it alters the pH on the foliage so these fungus cannot survive. Can be used to treat existing fungus infections and prevent mildew problems occurring.
ALWAYS combine with Eco-Oil which makes the Eco-Rose ‘stick’ to the foliage and add seaweed to strengthen foliage.
ECO-SEAWEED – is 100% seaweed POWDER– you add water which means this product is extremely concentrated, very economical and environmentally sustainable … one small scoop to a watering can dissolves readily and you don’t use more product than is necessary for complete plant health.
Pour seaweed solution over ALL plants, especially pots, at least once a month!
I recommend you start the organic rose management program NOW –
To 10 litres water add:
¼ cup ECO – ROSE fungicide
¼ cup ECO – OIL insecticide
ALWAYS add ECO-SEAWEED (or whichever seaweed product you prefer) to the above mix and if you like foliage fertilizer, add ECO-AMINOGRO or other liquid fertilizer to the spray container – saves time, will encourage healthy foliage and prevent fungus and insect attack all in one application – do this at least monthly from here on.
Q. How many rotten eggs does it take to make a stink bomb? A. A phew!
For those who still haven’t pruned, come along to the Rose Farm this Saturday, 30th July and I’ll conduct a ROSE PRUNING DEMONSTRATION at 10.30am – we’ll also talk about how to construct a compost heap and how to control weeds leading into spring … see you soon – Gra
We are now busy potting all the roses into coir-fibre potting mix – they’re professionally pruned to ensure they create a nicely structured bush in your garden from here onwards.
Although we will continue to pack and post bare-rooted roses throughout August / September, there’s no rush with ordering however, there will be a price increase on MONDAY, 1ST AUGUST and you can now order POTTED ROSES if that is your preferred method of having the roses sent.
As space becomes a premium in lots of backyards, here are a few of the most popular nearly thornless roses which are easily maintained and appropriate to plant on walls, up pergola posts or in pillar/obelisk frames:
One of the most popular climbing roses for a continual show of apricot/cream blooms – lush, healthy foliage – very highly recommended rose for almost any situation

Flowering almost all year, this robust, healthy climbing rose can be trained in any situation – thornless wood with a burr at the back of the foliage – stunning, stunning rose
Most highly fragrant bunches of pale pink flowers in massive clusters continually on completely thornless wood, very healthy, robust and spectacular
Have a great week in your garden – see you at Silkies soon … cheers from Graham, Diana and Mooi (rugged up while she sits with us waiting for visitors to have a hug from!)