ROSE RAMBLER: 16th March 2018
Hello, dear rose friends … IT’S TIME TO GET ORGANISED FOR WINTER ROSE ORDERING … We invite you to peruse our online store which is now open for winter / bare-rooted rose ordering at
If you want to order a rose which is not listed in our online store, please contact us at Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane by phone: (03) 5787 1123 or 0418 337 765. We guarantee to return your email enquiry within 24 hours: and will do our absolute best to source ANY rose which might be available in Australia this winter!
It’s important to note that you can purchase JUST ONE ROSE from Silkies … there is no minimum purchase restriction!!!

Since I’m the ‘big boss’ in this business, let me offer this very special AUTUMN PROMOTION … naturally, it would be MY ROSE … GRA’S BLUE that I am offering UNTIL MARCH 31ST – BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE.
GRA’S BLUE was awarded BRONZE and MOST FRAGRANT ROSE in the National Rose Trial Grounds at Adelaide Royal Botanic Gardens in 2015 – you should definitely buy one – now you have an opportunity to have TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!
This offer is available until MARCH 31ST or UNTIL SOLD OUT of current stock.
Q. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot? A. A walkie-talkie.
Yes, it’s time now to get your garden sorted for coming winter and if there’s a rose you absolutely MUST relocate, DO IT ANY TIME NOW … there are special considerations which apply to most old-fashioned roses
Hi Graham, I would like some advice on transplanting some roses. I have three Mutabilis (R. Chinensis ‘Mutabilis’) bushes I want to move. They are each approximately 1m x 1m. I have read more than once that Mutabilis resents hard pruning and have only everdead headed the 10 or so roses I have with good success. My concern is how far back can I prune the roses for transplant. Obviously they are cut back by you when you dig them up and send them to me bare rooted, but I am still a bit spooked about killing them in the process! I have never had a problem transferring other types of roses but would like some words of wisdom from you about Mutabilis in particular. Thank you for your help.
Kind Regards, Sue
MY RESPONSE … At 1 x 1 metre I don’t think they’ve been in the ground for a long time so cut them to a MANAGEABLE size for transplanting … I don’t think you need to chop them back to bare-rooted size .. just what makes it easy for you … deep, deep soak them back into new location then seaweed three times a week for first three to four weeks … they’ll flourish. You can do it any time now … cheers
I employ the HEAD AND HEART principle when transplanting roses! Your intuitive powers (head) linked with care and concern for the rose (heart) connect; and if you take your time, rose transplanting can be conducted at ANY TIME of the year.
ECO-SEAWEED applications as recommended above: three times a week for the first three to four weeks will, in most cases, ensure the rose gets over transplanting shock and goes on to be a thriving specimen in its new location.
I am applying ECO-SEAWEED every couple of days to newly potted cutting-grown roses and it’s been amazing to see the rapid development of these ‘baby’ roses!
As soon as I see lush new growth I will apply light applications of fertilizer pellets every couple of weeks until May when the plants will start to shut down due to our very cold weather here at Clonbinane.
Because of cooler nights where damp conditions and dew prevail, I urge you to protect your roses by implementing this program every fortnight but most definitely, at least monthly:
To 10 litres of water add:
MIX THOROUGHLY and pour over roses or spray foliage to run-off – avoid spraying flowers as yes, the spray will mark rose petals. You can add liquid FERTILIZER to this spray – it’s very important to fertilize your roses NOW in autumn.
Best laugh at yourself! Forget exercise, love and money – the key to happiness could be learning to laugh at yourself. Psychologists and researchers studying different styles of humour and personality tests found that those who make self-deprecating jokes had better mental health and were more sociable – my best mate Bazza is a testament to this theory!
We now enjoy laughing as we challenge each other to who will live longest!
Q. What do you find in an empty nose? A. FINGERPRINTS … oooh, yukky boys joke!
It’s been some years since we offered these varieties:

Which has the most amazingly pretty waved-petal formation as the perfect Hybrid Tea bud opens and there is a lovely fruity fragrance also …

Was bred by Eric Welsh who offered us an amazing opportunity more than 30 years ago to introduce his TRACEY WICKHAM rose here in Victoria – this transitioned into the creation of SILKIE GARDENS ROSE NURSERY which 25 years later became SILKIES ROSE FARM at CLONBINANE and and now we are so very pleased to re-release one of Eric’s most beautiful miniature roses which is a prized possession with rose exhibitors … a truly magnificent miniature rose …

Is a lovely rose planted with other GUILLOT roses in our garden – the fragrance, the form, the beauty … entirely awesome …AVAILABLE BARE-ROOTED WINTER 2018

Is very special and very highly recommended for perfection and magnificent beauty on a strong, upright, healthy bush …
If you live around Sydney, you might plan a visit to the UPPER NORTH SHORE & HILLS REGION ROSE SHOW where I will be to sign copies of my book ALL ABOUT ROSES and hope to meet many customers who planted our roses in their gardens … if you have a special query such as a rose to id or an issue with any rose, bring specimens along and I will have a chat with you
…Meantime, enjoy autumn in your rose garden …Diana, Graham and the crew at Clonbinane!
Within 500 metres of the CLONBINANE INTERCHANGE
on the Hume Freeway, 60 kms north of Melbourne
Open every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday – 9am – 4pm
Phone 03 5787 1123