ROSE RAMBLER 25.01.2018

ROSE RAMBLER 25.01.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends … it’s been incredibly hot for all of us and our rose gardens have suffered too … if you have water, open the taps and flood the gardens prior to the next possible onslaught of extreme heat!


It’s NEVER too late to be watering over the roses with ECO-SEAWEED solution because it will afford the roses 3 – 5 degrees of heat tolerance and reduce heat stress.  Ashher would have done well to water her potted roses with Eco-Seaweed … here’s her story:

Hi, I have bought a couple of roses online earlier.  They started well but having some issues, I have attached the pictures appreciate if you can advise what seems to be the problem.  I have planted them with potting mix and recently watered them with Iron chelates. Regards, Asher

MY RESPONSE:  Hello … the pots have been allowed to dry out!!!!  You MUST DEEP SOAK POTTED ROSES EVERY DAY – in extremely hot weather like now, you MUST DO IT TWICE A DAY!!!  Your potting mix will need rewetting – to do this, lower it in a bucket of water and leave it there until ALL THE AIR BUBBLES dissipate.  Then soak it well later.  Add seaweed to the water to recover the plant.

The rose in this picture is NAHEMA ..


It naturally has droopy foliage so that is nothing to worry about – however, that isn’t just drooped foliage, some of those leaves are on CLIMBING BLUE MOON are SCORCHED and will never recover!
 Scorched Nahmea
It was great to hear this response from Ashher …
“Thanks, I have been watering them but with the recent hot weather in Sydney they were really bearing the brunt of the sun so I have to change the position of the pots and I can now see marked improvements.
I have given them rose food from Brunnings (I believe that is the brand) and I have fed them seaweed solution 3 times since the purchase ” – Ashher
Another customer was asking advice about watering pots and wondering why the foliage was scorched …
“There’s a bit of debate going on at home about how often to water. It gets up to 30+ where we live and very humid. We have been watering daily between 8-10am. Probably using half a 9L water can for 8 plants. How does this sound to you?” – Matt
MY RESPONSE:  Oh no, Matt … way, way, way NOT ENOUGH!!!  Here we open the hose fully with high pressure and stand there counting 1-2-3 … I was teaching my 10-year-old grandson how to do it this morning … flood the pots at each watering … in the troughs, you MUST do it because they’re terracotta and will leach because it’s porous – unless you treated the inside surface perhaps?

I understand that close to the fence might reflect super hot – well-hydrated plants might tolerate the location way better so you might be able to pop them back there once you get a good handle on watering!…

Take advice from an old guy who’s been managing potted roses for more than 35 years … you MUST SOAK THE POTTING MEDIUM EVERY SINGLE DAY – in seriously hot weather as we are experiencing now, you might do a second watering later in the day!!!

It’s my dream to have an automated shade-mesh pull up over the nursery pots on these really hot days!  How those 20cm pots continue to look so lovely in these extreme conditions is because they’re hand-watered daily and cooled by overhead sprinklers in the middle of the day – also, they’re fertilized with Complete Organic Fertilizer and regularly sprayed or drenched with eco-seaweed.


Rather than tell a few jokes this week, let me share this bit of comedy – (beware, this could be Graham in your local supermarket – he does stuff like this all the time – Diana):


Yesterday I was at my local Coles buying a large bag of Purina dog food for my loyal pet, Jake, the Wonder Dog and was in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.  What did she think I had… an elephant?

So because I’m retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn’t have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and that the way that it works is, to load your pants pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with
my story.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stopped to Pee on a Fire Hydrant and a car hit me.

I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard.

Coles won’t let me shop there anymore.  Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the World to think of crazy things to say. Forward this to all your retired friends…it will be their laugh for the day!


“Dear Graham,  Thank you for your very informative blog. I love this Nursery after driving to collect roses last year. They are so healthy and the staff were very helpful. It is a no fuss or fanfare business but has all the support and quality products. While I am having difficulty finding space for more roses this year I am cultivating another area to do so. Just an excuse to do another drive to the Nursery. Thank you once again for your ongoing information and support.  – Heather

MY RESPONSE: We are most grateful to those who send an email of acknowledgement.  Please know that although I, Diana, manage all the computer ‘stuff’ I am sure to ask Gra to come and take a look whenever he’s mentioned or when there’s something he needs to action … we work together to bring you this Rose Ramber and will continue to produce it as long as you 4,000 subscribers are interested!

There is no doubt that a garden is a fabulous healer – you don’t need to be sick or have had incredible surgery to be healed by the garden!  A bad day in the office or a crazy time with family, sick pet, or any one of the ‘normal’ moments we’ve all come to expect in a day, can dissolve into insignificance after a walk in your rose garden.

But, the big BUT, is, you have to go there – steal the moments to go and pick a bunch of flowers, enjoy the fragrance, maybe pick a weed or two while you’re out there.  Do bring the flowers into the house and place them in a vase so that when you come home from work tomorrow night, there’s a greeting card on your kitchen bench.  The house will smell beautiful too!
Here’s a pic of our kitchen bench last weekend …

And a few more close up pics of roses in those vases …

Graham and a bench
Graham at the Kitchen Bench



YES! We are open this Friday (Australia Day), Saturday, Sunday and Monday as usual!

Have a love Australia Day long weekend and perhaps pop out to CLONBINANE for the SUMMER ROSE CARE DEMONSTRATION this Sunday, at 11.00am … stay cool …

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