ROSE RAMBLER …3.6.2016 …

Hello dear rose friends and welcome to winter and a whole new year of beautiful roses!  We’ll be contacting you shortly to advise that your roses are ready for posting so we hope you’ve done the necessary preparations which our magnificent quality roses deserve to ensure they flourish for many years in your garden … here are a few tips for planting bare-rooted roses …


As soon as you can, after receiving your parcel of roses in the post, remove them from the box and soak them in a trough/bucket to which you have added a proportional amount of seaweed powder or solution – the roses are good in this soak for 24 hours but if you’re planting immediately, just give them a dip – pour the remaining solution over the roses after you’ve soaked them to a slurry with the hose!

NEVER OVERWATER NEWLY PLANTED ROSES – let them settle in gently – most gardens will have had some rain and the garden won’t need watering for a while but fortnightly light applications of seaweed over all plants will ensure frost tolerance to between 3-5 degrees and even if you don’t experience frost in your area, you’ll encourage good root development and healthy foliage through coming months!

Add liquid fertilizer such as ECO-AMINOGRO to the seaweed for balanced, gentle feeding while the roses are settling in and starting to form roots which will, in turn, produce healthy foliage – I know I harp on this, but the more healthy foliage on your roses, the more beautiful, colourful and long-lasting flowers your roses will produce – it’s ALL ABOUT HEALTHY FOLIAGE which is produced from microbe/humus rich soil where the roots are feeding – give them the best possible start WHEN YOU PLANT YOUR NEW ROSES!

Q.  What do you call a horse that lives next door? A.  Your neigh-bour …

We’re always asked “what’s your favourite rose?” … the one which looks sensational today is usually my response and here are a few that have been superb in recent weeks while we’ve had cold nights and rain on the flowers …

Probably my most favourite white rose for its resilience in ALL WEATHER – it produces beautifully formed huge pure white blooms which last well in a vase on a magnificently shaped bush of medium height with darkest-green, most healthy foliage

The stripes on these blooms are sensational with every single flower unique and perfectly beautiful – slashes of crimson red with yellow/cream – voluptuous and exotic, extraordinarily healthy and very free flowering – awesome rose!

Deep lilac with rich purple tips on each petal, perfectly formed blooms ideal for flowering arranging on an upright, medium height bush which tolerates hot weather conditions.

Q.  What do you call a box of ducks?  A.  A box of quackers …

Next week, I’ll be sharing information about digging holes for your new roses … Gra

See you soon at Clonbinane … Diana, Graham and Mooi 
Remember, rose pruning demonstrations on
SATURDAY, 11TH JUNE 10.30 AND 1.30!


ROSE RAMBLER 26.5.2016



Hello dear rose friends as we here at Clonbinane say goodbye to another magnificent season of beautiful flowering roses … some of the last flowers in our gardens are stunning.

is putting on a delightful display – lovely floribunda rose with near-thornless stems produces bunches of blooms which are perfect for a vase on a medium sized, well-rounded, very healthy shrub.  I love it that this rose is always different throughout the season – both in colour and flower shape – see all the pics at

is producing an abundance of blooms to ensure that Graham can take my Mum a bunch of highly fragrant roses as his “thanks for taking up the hems on my new trousers” – Mum just loves the roses in vases …

Now we’re dealing with sticks but oh, my word, those sticks are such amazing quality after such a long, hot, dry summer – it was a perfect season for establishing roses, especially since our grower has a plentiful supply of ground water and magnificent soil which he nurtures with organic fertilizer, crop-rotation and good management!


Not ALL the roses come in the first consignment – if your order contains standard roses, they are the last to be dug later in June so we will notify you then.  Some varieties of roses need to be left in the ground that little bit longer … please be patient about your order arriving – we promise to notify you prior to posting your roses so you know to expect them.

If you have any particular queries about your rose order, please email Diana at and I will contact you within 24 hours of your enquiry.

A few beautiful testimonials which we would like to share:

Thank you so much, what wonderful service. The lady we are giving the Rose to is called Cecilia it is the perfect gift. I can’t thank you enough for your attentive service and care. Your company will be highly recommended.
Many thanks Carolyn
Oh Diana …Thank you so much, one of my colleagues Dad died on the ward we work on so this would be beautiful, thank you for your kindness, what a great company you are.

Please know that we do our absolute best when it comes to supplying the most beautiful quality roses along with great customer service and patience is a virtue when you’re excited to get your roses in the ground!



When preparing the soil for planting roses I suggest you use ‘humus compost’ and add ‘rockdust’ at the planting hole.

Q.  What do you get if you cross a spider with an elephant?  A.  I’m not sure, but if you see one walking across the ceiling then run before it falls down!

Any good nursery/garden centre which supplies ‘GROW BETTER’ products will have quality compost and Munash Rockdust and Renew (sea minerals) which is the activator for the microbes in Rockdust.  We are convinced of the value of adding these vital minerals to our soil and scattered over our potted roses as it increases their immunity to fungus diseases and keeps their foliage healthy – here is a testimonial from somebody we don’t know but understand his experiences:

“I’ve been a gardener for over thirty years, growing shrubs, fruit trees, ornamentals and vegetables. Ten years ago we moved to a bright sunny apartment in Sydney with a large north facing balcony. This was a dramatic change from my usual gardening. Potted and indoor plants.Easy I thought but after several years I was having minimal success.

A couple of years ago, we were invited to a function at the Wayside Chapel which included a tour of the apartment in which Indira Naidoo lives. Her ‘Edible Balcony’ was amazing. It was here that we were introduced to Munash Renew and the Munash Rock Dust.

I was at first quite sceptical, the Munash Rock Dust looked a lot like the blue metal I had used under the pavers and the amount to use of the Revive was minuscule but Indira had recommended it, so I would give it a go.

It is difficult to describe the results, within a week we had a dramatic turnaround, the foliage greened and the plants had a vigour I had not been able to achieve with a multitude of other products. We now have a balcony garden that is, may I dare say, as good as Indira’s and indoor plants that just glow.

I would highly recommend both the Munash Renew and Rock Dust for use on balconies and indoor plants. I could only assume their use on outdoor plants would create an Amazonian type environment.”


We urge you to use these products when planting your roses this winter – we especially recommend you apply Rockdust and Renew on your veggie garden as our food is grown in soils which lack vital minerals – ensure supreme quality, mineral rich veggies from your own garden!

Here’s a bit of a story … Mrs. Kranky:  “Doctor, I’m extremely worried about my husband.  He keeps thinking he’s turned into a chicken.”  Doctor:  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”  Mrs. Kranky:  “Well, we’ve needed the eggs.”

My Langshan chooks are still laying because they get a daily ration of ‘greens’ – silverbeet, kale, weeds and herbs which have gone to seed.  What you put in, you will get out – applies to a lot of things in life, most definitely!  Enjoy the last flowers of this season … Gra


There’s no rush but for those who like to prune early, come along to:

10.30am and 1.30pm
Please bring your secateurs for sharpening
and bring the kids too! 

Bookings not essential.
We will advise of pruning demonstrations in coming months!

Here’s a beautiful picture of one of the last blooms on FIRESTAR which is a most exceptional rose in all climates – lasting blooms on a very free-flowering, stunningly healthy bush for a blast of dynamic colour.

See you soon at Clonbinane … Diana, Graham and Mooi


ROSE RAMBLER 19.5.2016

ROSE RAMBLER 19.5.2016 …

Hello dear rose friends – we’ve had a beautiful time away from the nursery.  After three days lolling around the Sunshine Coast hinterland, we moved on and had the pleasure of visiting dear friends and viewing gardens to see how you Queenslander’s grow such magnificent roses in such an extraordinary climate – glad so many of you are ‘switched on’ to our organic rose management program which is obviously necessary in such conditions!

You know what though?  Wherever we travel in Australia, the roses adapt and flower according to the local environment – they are amazing plants and we’re so, so lucky to have such a versatile plant as roses in our gardens.

Thank you Queensland rose friends for hosting us and showing us how you grow such magnificent roses – we are inspired!


Hope you enjoyed viewing the new ‘Rosarian’ Catalogue which Diana spent quite a bit of time putting together!  It’s not easy to select which roses to feature when there are so many beautiful roses for us to enjoy – here are a few of my absolute favourites …


They’ve been around for a while but I seriously recommend them for planting this winter if you don’t already grow them …

Such a glorious surprise of yellow/orange/pink stripes on a most robust,
sturdy bush to around 1.2m tall – lovely light fragrant and perfect to vase:

Largest blooms of old-gold (peony-sized blooms) on long,
strong stems with a delicious fragrance – again, perfect to vase:

Still popular, forever gorgeous rose with
HUGE fragrance and simply, one of the best:

Here at Clonbinane we’ve already had quite a few decent frosts so the end of the flowering season is now apparent … if your roses start to show signs of blackspot, don’t be too concerned, they’ll start to shed foliage once the cooler weather sets in and their method of de-foliating generally means the foliage will ‘spot’ and fall.

Q.  What do you call an Eskimo that asks questions?  A.  An Askimo.

Don’t bother going around to remove spent foliage – the soil / mulch will deal with all the fungus spores.  By the time you prune roses and start the organic rose management spray program, taking particular note to spray over the mulch, those fungal spores will have rotted down and become part of the ecological/microbial environment of your garden!
Besides, would you really bother removing all that foliage at the base of your rose plants?  No, of course not … it’s natural!

Q.  What did the constipated mathematician do?  A.  Worked it out with a pencil.

Costa Georgiadis said:

I sure hope you’re adding all the autumn leaves to your compost heap – they are such a valuable aerator and source of nutrients for use when planting roses in coming months!  Keep applying seaweed solution over the roses in readiness for the cold – your roses will enjoy 3-5 degrees of cold-tolerance with fortnightly applications and the foliage will remain healthy until it falls for winter – enjoy the last beautiful flowers of autumn … Gra


They’re almost here – the heel-in beds are ready and waiting so get your orders in NOW at

If you need advice about designing your garden and selecting the very best, most suitable varieties for your location, please email us: with dimensions, a selection of which roses you would like to plant and we can assist you to create the rose garden of your dreams ..

Cheers from Graham, Diana & Mooi at Clonbinane


ROSE RAMBLER 12.5.2016


ROSE RAMBLER … 12.5.2016

Hello dear rose friends … let’s move right into the promised advice for building the BEST rose garden to accommodate your new roses this winter!


Because rose bushes are so productive with their flowering it’s important to remember as “RULE NO. 1” the more healthy foliage on the bushes, the more flowers you can expect throughout their potential 8-9 months of flowering.  Your roses will produce healthy foliage with good soil preparation prior to planting and using the organic management spray program throughout the season will be a bonus.

Prepare each planting hole in your garden beds as follows:

  1. With a fork (a shovel will cut through worms … ouch!) dig a really rough hole about 400 x 400 x 450 deep and fork the walls and base of hole;
  2. Place the soil / clay in a wheelbarrow and blend in about 50% organic compost or animal manure (not raw chook poo or mushroom compost!) a scattering of rock dust and a half-handful of organic fertilizer.
  3. Put all of the above back in the hole – yes, it will create a mound but when well-watered, this will settle – water over with seaweed solution weekly.

Q.  What do you call a man without a shovel?  A.  Douglas

That’s the ‘bones’ of soil preparation for planting something new in your garden and now I’d like to take it a step further by explaining what more you can do to make your soil highly productive and full of life-giving energy so planting ANYTHING in your garden is vibrant and retains vitality which means you grow a garden to love and continually enjoy …

  • Every garden has its own type of soil – good bugs which allow earthworms to breed and flourish, good fungus to balance the soil which in turn permits organic fertilizer, minerals and microbes to be taken up by plants;
  • When you add a bit of leaf litter to the new planting hole from anywhere in your garden – under trees, from the veggie garden, the compost heap, etc. that litter will contain microbes which are already present in YOUR garden and they’ll readily proliferate in the new space!
  • Because our Australian soils are so depleted of minerals, Munash Rock Dust along with Renew (sea mineral microbe activator) and seaweed solution are highly recommended additions to garden preparation and ongoing maintenance.

Q.  Patient:  what do the x-rays of my brain show?  A.  Doctor:  NOTHING! 


It’s been a few years since we produced a new catalogue and we’re excited to present it to you here …

We hope to inspire you to plant more beautiful roses in your garden this winter … if you need assistance with planning, please email your ideas and Diana will be able to guide you into selecting the most appropriate varieties of roses to make your garden an absolute pleasure for you and all who visit!




Due to the appalling weather last weekend,
we’re extending our Mother’s Day special
bring your Mum to the Rose Farm at Clonbinane and

*Terms & Conditions apply.

Cheers from us here at Clonbinane … Graham, Diana & Mooi




ROSE RAMBLER … 5.5.2016 …

Hello dear rose friends … following is an extract from Ludwig Teschner’s newsletter ‘Talking Rosesin South Africa:


The one problem that really became evident this season was infestation by scale insects. No doubt this was due to the hot and dry summer. Scale insects, just like spider mites bide their time on the lower part of the bushes, puncturing into the phloem tubes for food. Female scales can live up to a year.

These phloem tubes carry sugar, amino acids, hormones and other organic nutrients made by the leaves to the rest of the plant and for storage to roots or bulbs.

During periods of drought, when there is not enough water being transported by the xylem to the leaves, the sap becomes much more concentrated in sugar and is sweeter which is just what the pests like. To them, that is a signal to multiply by laying eggs.

Whereas red spider starts off on the lower leaves, scale insects are on the bark of the stem. The mother provides a protective scale for the little ones that hatch from the eggs within days and crawl out to do their own puncturing, scale building and egg laying. They will even lay over the scale of the mother as can be seen on the image. Eventually, with no more space available and little food they move up the stem.

Pernicious or white scale 
White scale – note the different generations

The same principle applies to the Australian bug also known as cottony cushion or fluted scale. The female has a large fluted white egg sac attached which contains many bright red eggs. The young are extremely active, tiny crawlers. They can be seen on the image below.

Australian bug – FLUTED SCALE

Australian bug – FLUTED SCALE larval stage

How to control them? Heavily infected stems that seem to be dying anyway are best cut out of the bush and removed. Insecticide sprays are only effective on the crawlers before they have made their scale or wooly sac. The protected mothers are able to carry on laying eggs.


This is what you do to control scale which can infest ALL plants – most especially potted plants after a few seasons in the same potting medium!

Spraying with ECO-OIL has a suffocating action and should be applied every 5-7 days – at least three applications should stop the scale from breeding. Adding ECO-NEEM to the spray if there is a significant infestation will hasten the process of control – insects ingest the ECO-NEEM and it basically tells them to stop eating!  The unprotected crawlers will die as well.

During winter when we repot roses into new potting mix we usually see scale and we have used a toothbrush and ECO-OIL to remove them; I frequently use this method to keep the chooks legs clean of lice!

HOWEVER, for roses in the ground which show signs of scale infestation, it will not stop the next invasion if the sap flow in the phloem is not improved. This can only happen by getting more water to the roots of the roses and to provide a well aerated environment for the roots to become more active.  Regular applications of seaweed solution will improve the general health of affected roses too!

Since winter pruning is almost around the corner, many infected stems will be cut off – these should be burned, definitely NOT composted!

All this has been rather lengthy, but once you know what insect you’re dealing with it is easier to do something about it and since you’ll be gearing up to repot anytime soon, this advice is timely.

Q.  What comes from the desert and shouts “BUM”?  A.  Crude oil.


Roses are really a whole lot about their PERFUME which is surely the unique quality which makes them the most popular flower in the world.  Highly sought after MYRHH fragrance is harvested from roses grown in Bulgaria most especially for the cosmetic industry and you will find that exact fragrance in many modern roses where, if you trace their breeding history, you will find their parents amongst the oldest roses on the earth … here are a few of my most favourite, highly fragrant roses:

Plump buds open a cup of richly fragrant petals – pale pink with just a hint of apricot blooms constantly on a tall healthy shrub …

Very deeply cupped blooms of rich golden yellow with fragrance combination of tea, sauterne wine and strawberries – yes, fruity – on a large shrub / climber which flowers from season start to end and all the way between – awesome rose!

A swirling mass of sensationally fragrant cerise/crimson blooms are produced continually on a healthy, rounded shrub and stand up well in a vase …

ALL the above roses MUST NOW BE ORDERED as BARE-ROOTED ROSES for WINTER – Get your orders in NOW at

Q.  Why was the Egyptian girl worried?  A.  Because her Daddy was a Mummy

We’ve had magnificent rain here at Clonbinane and hope it was shared evenly around the country so that you can start preparing your garden beds for new winter roses – I’ll be talking about that next week … Gra


If you want to gift your Mum roses on this special day, can I suggest you place a GIFT VOUCHER ORDER to whatever value so Mum can order her own selection of roses for planting soon …


Or looking for a great day out this weekend with mum?
bring your Mum to the Rose Farm at Clonbinane and
– Happy Mothers Day to all!


*Only valid for online gift certficates.
Offer available now until 12/5/2016. Terms & Conditions apply.  
To all the Mum’s – have a really lovely MOTHER’S DAY with the special people in your life – love from Graham, Diana & Mooi at Clonbinane


ROSE RAMBLER 28.4.2016

ROSE RAMBLER … 28.4.2016 …

Hello dear rose friends … almost the end of another month of glorious autumn so be sure to enjoy and care for the roses which are still budding!  Here’s GRA’S GARBLE with tips for…


The conditions of the roses in your garden will be influenced, primarily, by the local climate.  Bushes with lots of foliage will carry on flowering but might show signs of fungal disease which is particularly prevalent where cool dewy nights are experienced.

To avoid premature leaf drop which is caused by these conditions, I recommend you continue spraying the organic rose management program every 7-10 days to prolong flowering through the last weeks of autumn and possibly into winter.

To a 10 litre bucket add:

  • ¼ cup Eco-rose / fungicide
  • Seaweed solution as per directions on your preferred brand
  • ¼ cup Eco-oil (insecticide which also acts as spreader/sticker)

Mix products well and apply to foliage – yes, over the entire plant as this will strengthen and protect foliage against fungus and insects.

Remember, healthy foliage is the ‘life-force’ of a rose bush which will, in turn, provide blooms until each rose decides to go into winter dormancy.  Some rose varieties will go dormant earlier than others and the healthier the foliage, the more likely the bush is to continue setting blooms!

Potted roses should continue to be fertilized until mid-May.  Garden beds can be topped with compost and a light covering of mulch to retain moisture and warmth as long as possible which will also enhance late flowering of some varieties.

Q.  What is a cat’s favourite colour?  A.  Purr–ple!


No, they’re not roses at all but regularly referred to as PEONY ROSES and lots of gardeners long to grow them for their spectacular blooms however, peonies require extreme cold/frosty winter conditions to flower well.

As I walk around our autumn garden, I see so many rose varieties which replicate the glory of peonies and they are:

A David Austin rose with immense fragrance and huge cupped,
apricot/cream blooms on a shrub which grows around
1.5 – 1.2 metres with lovely healthy foliage

Plump buds open to display a mass of deep pink,
highly fragrant petals and so very, very like a peony – flowers all season!

A most spectacular Delbard rose which produces masses
of densely petalled, highly fragrant blooms continually
on a stunningly healthy robust bush

These are just a few examples of rose varieties which will quell your thirst for the spectacular beauty of peonies – we have peonies in the gardens here and despite our freezing winter conditions, by the time they flower, the warm weather spoils their display so we’ve decided to plant more ‘peony-like’ roses and recommend you do too!

Q.  Why did the golfer wear two pairs of socks?  A.  In case he got a hole in one!

Take my advice and liberally pour seaweed solution OVER THE FOLIAGE of your roses to maintain the healthiest possible foliage right up to pruning later on – the worms will love you too!  Talk to you next week … Gra


When ordering online at we urge you to select BARE-ROOTED roses as so many varieties are now sold-out as potted specimens.  We still have a moderate number of GIFT ROSES available to see us up to Mother’s Day so get your orders in NOW or give your Mum a great pair of secateurs to make rose pruning a pleasure for her this winter …

$59.90 plus pack/post – great MOTHER’S DAY GIFT !!!

Have a beaut week in your garden –
cheers from Graham, Diana & Mooi at Clonbinane


ROSE RAMBLER 21.4.2016

ROSE RAMBLER … 21.4.2016

Hello dear rose friends – this is really great to share – we are just a small business and we strive to offer the most personable customer service so if you like what we do, you may like to add your testimonial to WORD OF MOUTH ONLINE so that more people choose when considering purchasing roses … thank you to all who submitted their testimonial to support our business!

Silkies Rose Farm is now ranked
in the highest tier of WOMO businesses!

Over the past year, more than 90% of reviews for Silkies Rose Farm have had a 4-5 star rating. Less than 5% of WOMO businesses qualify for the Service Award, so our achievement is worth celebrating!

Help us continue build up our business and leave a review on our WOMO profile.


WELCOME MAT FOR FOXES TO ENTER A CHOOK PEN … When Diana planted VIELCHENBLAU rambling rose 15 years ago, it was designed to offer protection from hot westerly sun on the DINGO enclosure which it did for many years.

When our last dingo, Bonnie died, the pen was idle for a few years so I decided to make it a chook-run … perfect idea and the chooks love it!

However, this rambling rose is now a perfect stepping-stone for foxes to scramble upwards through those thick canes, get onto the roof and jump down into where the chooks roam freely so I will now be removing the rose just in case a sly fox catches us unawares!

Since we get lots of requests for recommendations of roses suitable to scramble over aviaries, chook-pens and other animal enclosures, it is worth sharing this valuable piece of warning – predators likes foxes are definitely around during the day and we would like you to protect your precious pets so be wary about where/how you plant climbing roses/ramblers over areas where your pets are housed!!!

Q.  What disease was the horse scared of getting?  A.  Hay-fever!

She dug the plot on Monday, the soil was rich and fine.
She forgot to thaw out dinner, so we went out to dine.
She planted roses Tuesday, she says they are a must.
They really are quite lovely, but she quite forgot to dust.
On Wednesday it was daisies, they opened up with sun.
All whites and pinks and yellows, but the laundry wasn’t done.
The poppies came on Thursday, a bright and cheery red.
I guess she really was engrossed, she never made the bed.
It was violets on Friday, in colours she adores.
It never bothered her at all, all crumbs upon the floors.
I hired a maid on Saturday, my week is now complete.
My wife can garden all she wants, the house will still be neat.
It’s nearly lunchtime Sunday, and I cannot find the maid.
Oh no! I don‘t believe it, she’s out there WITH THE SPADE!


A light covering of mulch on the soil at this time of year is essential as it provides food and protection for worms.  Seaweed solution watered around plants provides worms with minerals to ingest while the liquid will nourish their bodies.Worms breed from April to October – provide them with lots of organic matter and they’ll repay you by producing massive numbers of offspring who in turn become the army of underground workers in your garden!  Here’s a pic of a handful of worms from our compost heap …

This joke message comes from our grandson Levi … Q.  Why did the car go through the Café?  A.  They thought it was a drive-through!  Thanks Levi and any other kids who have jokes to share, send them to: and we’ll publish YOUR joke!


A lovely lady who, when she re-located from Queensland to Melbourne, promised herself she was going to grow beautiful roses in her new home so she went internet surfing for information.  My book, ALL ABOUT ROSES was available online in the UK so she had it posted to her in Melbourne!  We laughed!Needless to say, she was amazed that we live ‘just down the road’ so she asked me to sign her new book after we had loaded her car with roses!  You can get your copy at 

Enjoy all the pleasures of your garden this autumn – bury the kids in autumn leaves after they help you rake them up … Logan and I did this every autumn at the Kilmore nursery and oh, what precious memories we have – this was in 2012 – have fun!

Cheers from Graham, Diana & Mooi at Clonbinane … 


ROSE RAMBLER 14.4.2016

ROSE RAMBLER … 14.4.2016

Hello dear rose friends!  Well, the weather was extraordinary when over 250 visitors came to the Rose Farm last weekend and the coaches left with their bellies filled up as well as the travellers’ bellies were … everybody happy which is exactly how we like it and lots of roses being planted in country gardens during this glorious autumn so they’re magnificently established for spring flowering after a light winter prune!  Here are a group of visitors on the WALK ‘N’ TALK in the gardens with Graham:

We owe a HUGE THANK YOU to our family members and staff who worked tirelessly to make your visit such a pleasant experience.  Because this past weekend was such a success, we will be holding…

– 26th and 27th NOVEMBER, 2016

so save the date and start getting bus groups organised.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer a travel subsidy but we can definitely offer magnificent DEVONSHIRE TEA throughout the weekend – might see if my Rotary colleagues will organise a BBQ using those fantastic Warialda Beef (Clonbinane) hamburgers again!


Driving along a country road the other day, I saw a BIG sign which read: “POO – $2.00”

When you see a sign like this, STOP and grab as many bags as will fit in your car, take it home and place it on a compost heap, directly on your garden or into hessian bags dunked in water!

  • Any amount of POO added to your garden NOW will benefit the soil and retain warmth while adding humus and nutrients before the cold of winter.
  • Adding animal manure in layers to a compost heap is imperative to VITALITY and ENERGY within the compost – keep the heap moist AT ALL TIMES!
  • Dunking hessian bags filled with POO will offer your soil a nutrient rich ‘tea’ when you pour it over the garden at a rate of 1 part to 10 parts water.  Toss the contents of the bag on a compost heap or directly on a garden bed then cover with mulch to preserve the microbes.  Renew the POO BAG continuously throughout each year!

Q.  What kind of bat cannot fly?  A.  A wombat! 

Hope you’ve got all your winter bulbs planted – my job in the next few days so that we have a gorgeous display of colour to herald spring.  Bulbs are great value in a rose garden as they’re flowering while the roses are dormant – ideal to plant around roses because they allow great air circulation at the base of roses throughout the rose-flowering season!

Q.  What do you call a stupid flower?  A.  A daffy-dill.  A kids play on words because daffodils and lots of spring flowering bulbs will brighten the most bleak winter day so plant lots of them – definitely NOT stupid!  Have a beaut week in your garden …Gra

Here are a few more photos of roses we had in vases recently …

New for 2016 makes a delightfully healthy, well foliaged shrub to 1.2 metres round with continual flowering – very striking …

Available this winter, this amazing shrub rose is very eye-catching, bees love it so it should be planted around the veggie garden/orchard because while the bees are busy on the roses, they’ll pollinate the rest of the garden!  This is a VERY IMPORTANT SERIES OF ROSES to promote bees to your garden …

Is a tall shrub suited to a short obelisk or along a fence line for a continual display of blue/grey blooms with amazingly sweet fragrance … stunning rose!


We’ve re-invented the POT LUCK ROSE section of the nursery where roses which have lost their labels are placed until we can identify them – since we frequently forget to label them, they’re there for you to take home at the crazy price of $15.00 each!

Over the years, we’ve had people come back to the nursery telling us of the fabulous gardens they created with POT LUCK ROSES … it’s fun!

PLEASE NOTE – when ordering your roses NOW, lots of varieties of roses are ONLY AVAILABLE as BARE-ROOTED WINTER ROSES either because they’re NEW RELEASE FOR 2016 or simply SOLD OUT… I can adjust orders accordingly but it is impossible to note in our online store which roses are still available as potted specimens.

If you wish, please call 03 5787 1123 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY to check on a particular variety if you especially want it as a POTTED SPECIMEN.

Most of the GIFT ROSES at are still available as POTTED SPECIMENS.

Please call in at CLONBINANE soon to enjoy the glory of our autumn trees at their most spectacular best … cheers from Graham, Diana & Mooi




Hello dear rose friends and a hearty, warm welcome to all our new subscribers since the Plant Expo last weekend where we had a most spectacular display of 60 vases of rose blooms … here are a few pics in case you weren’t able to attend.

with such an outstanding and unusual colour…

Although it was in a shaded position, everybody gasped when they sniffed FORGET-ME-NOT and it was truly sensational … and worthy of the magnificently healthy, rounded shrub which supports these stunning blooms

A huge bowl of MUNSTEAD WOOD with perfectly formed Hybrid Tea buds which opened to a swirling mass of darkest crimson petals with enormous fragrance was very popular…

and CARMAGNOLE had people gasping at it’s beauty…

And there were way, way more that deserve mention so I’ll share them in coming Rose Ramblers because they were simply extraordinary!


Q. What bow doesn’t tie?  A.  A rainbow. 

Saw a magnificent rainbow today when the rain was easing and the clouds cleared to intermittent blue sky and showers.  After a lovely dump of more than 10mms of deep-soaking rain the gardens will be stunning for when 220 people come visiting on this weekend as part of the Art & Roses Tours in conjunction with Kilmore Art Expo.

Next week I promise to start giving you all the hints and tips for preparing your rose gardens for winter planting and sharing more information about the Biodynamics Course which I recently attended – I’ve had the whip on me to weed MY garden beds and generally clean up around the place for our visitors this weekend – a bloke’s gotta do what a bloke’s gotta do!

Whatever you do, rake every single autumn leave ready for the composting ideas I’ll be sharing in coming newsletters … one last joke:  Q. What is the easiest way to grow tall?  A.  Sleep long! 

Enjoy your roses while you can … Gra


If you’re out for a weekend drive, call in at Hidden Valley Country Club, the Rotary Art Show at Memorial Hall, Kilmore or here at Silkies Rose Farm (you might score one of our famous Devonshire Teas if you time it right!) and you’ll enjoy a lovely ‘round-trip’ of our region.

After this busy time of Plant Expo and Art Shows we’ll be seriously back into ALL ABOUT ROSES with hints and tips to enjoy the most of your rose garden prior to winter, how to prepare gardens for winter planting and entice you to order magnificent quality two-year-old winter roses from our extensive range.

A new catalogue will be available at soon but if you know which roses you want to order for this winter, do it NOW because all the new release 2016 roses are available for ordering and we’re guessing that lots will sell-out very quickly!

Meantime, hope you’re enjoying peaceful times in your garden
now the weather is cooler and hope we see you soon at Clonbinane …
Cheers from Diana, Graham & Mooi


ROSE RAMBLER 31.3.2016

Already another month ending and we’re busy packing up to head off to
TESSELAAR’S PLANT EXPO this weekend – tickets at is meeting our grower at Dunkeld today to collect buckets and buckets of flowers for a magnificent display of roses cut directly from the field – lots of the 2016 RELEASE varieties along with more recent release varieties of roses will be on display in vases at our site so do come along and have a sniff!Pop a teabag or sachet of coffee beans in your bag – once you smell a really glorious fragrance, the others will pale to insignificance unless you clear your olfactory glands in between sniffing and tea/coffee offer clearance between sniffs – yes, it works!

You’ll have a beaut day out – this Expo is about PLANTS where you’ll have an opportunity to speak with specialist growers like ourselves.  Graham will do a presentation at 10.00am on SATURDAY MORNING.

There will be presentations throughout the weekend with Steven Ryan as compere and you can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the sites without hustle and bustle – a drive in the Dandenong Ranges is so worthwhile at this magnificent time of year!

The food and coffee at this event is superb too so with the weather set to be autumnal splendour, jump in the car and come see us with our magnificent roses at TESSELAAR’S PLANT EXPO THIS WEEKEND – you and the kids will have a ball!


Q.  What has two hands but no fingers?  A.  A clock. 

Thank goodness we’ll be changing our clocks this weekend as its dark until after 7 am here and we love to get an early start with watering the potted roses – yes, I’ve been known to hold a torch in one hand, hose in the other impatient for daylight!

Q. What kind of shoes don’t go on your feet?  A.  Tissues! 

I’ve been busy planting lots of winter veggies and gathering cow manure for composting to make my own biodynamic preparations – I’ll tell you all about that in following Rose Ramblers as there’s lots going on here at the rose farm preparing for more than 200 people to visit during the weekend of the Art & Roses tours – hope we see you at Tesselaar’s this weekend …. Gra


If you are wishing to book more than 12 people to receive a $10 travel subsidy for visiting this event on Saturday, 9th or Sunday, 10th April – please call me NOW as today is the last day for bookings!


You might like to stay where you can hear the breeze in the eucalypts, see kangaroos grazing – right in the hills just above Silkies Rose Farm at…


695 Spur Road, Clonbinane

Your very own sanctuary in the mountains.

Peaceful, private & pet friendly. Self-contained, modern farmhouse, sleeps 7, tastefully decorated with a “chookie” theme!

Phone: Cathy 5787 1561 or 0416 391 085


We have stunning potted specimens of these roses which, when planted in your garden this autumn, will be absolutely spectacular come spring flowering – these are all very highly recommended roses and suit some of the most difficult situations when planning where to plant roses … these three roses are super healthy, very continually free flowering and afford you a most reliable rose …

One of the first climbing roses I ever planted which was a constant pleasure right outside our bedroom window of the cottage at Kilmore.  I now have it planted in obelisks here and it is ALWAYS flowering in massive clusters which are glorious to place in a vase of mixed roses
Stunning colour, awesome disease resistance and magnificent display of blooms from first flowers in spring and well into winter.  This rose is a great ‘filler’ in mixed garden borders, very low-maintenance

Super long-lasting blooms and very healthy foliage on this rose which was originally planted in many Australian gardens as a floribunda during the 50’s.  As a climbing rose, it can be used as a pillar or the 3mtr long canes can be tied to a fence to create a magnificently colourful display …

Yes, it’s a busy time here at Clonbinane and we promise more detailed rose management and garden bed preparation for winter roses in forthcoming issues – enjoy the glory of your autumn rose garden

… cheers, Graham, Diana & Mooi