ROSE RAMBLER 31.3.2016…
Already another month ending and we’re busy packing up to head off to
TESSELAAR’S PLANT EXPO this weekend – tickets at
Graham is meeting our grower at Dunkeld today to collect buckets and buckets of flowers for a magnificent display of roses cut directly from the field – lots of the 2016 RELEASE varieties along with more recent release varieties of roses will be on display in vases at our site so do come along and have a sniff!
Pop a teabag or sachet of coffee beans in your bag – once you smell a really glorious fragrance, the others will pale to insignificance unless you clear your olfactory glands in between sniffing and tea/coffee offer clearance between sniffs – yes, it works!
You’ll have a beaut day out – this Expo is about PLANTS where you’ll have an opportunity to speak with specialist growers like ourselves. Graham will do a presentation at 10.00am on SATURDAY MORNING.
There will be presentations throughout the weekend with Steven Ryan as compere and you can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the sites without hustle and bustle – a drive in the Dandenong Ranges is so worthwhile at this magnificent time of year!
The food and coffee at this event is superb too so with the weather set to be autumnal splendour, jump in the car and come see us with our magnificent roses at TESSELAAR’S PLANT EXPO THIS WEEKEND – you and the kids will have a ball!
Q. What has two hands but no fingers? A. A clock.
Thank goodness we’ll be changing our clocks this weekend as its dark until after 7 am here and we love to get an early start with watering the potted roses – yes, I’ve been known to hold a torch in one hand, hose in the other impatient for daylight!
Q. What kind of shoes don’t go on your feet? A. Tissues!
I’ve been busy planting lots of winter veggies and gathering cow manure for composting to make my own biodynamic preparations – I’ll tell you all about that in following Rose Ramblers as there’s lots going on here at the rose farm preparing for more than 200 people to visit during the weekend of the Art & Roses tours – hope we see you at Tesselaar’s this weekend …. Gra
If you are wishing to book more than 12 people to receive a $10 travel subsidy for visiting this event on Saturday, 9th or Sunday, 10th April – please call me NOW as today is the last day for bookings!
You might like to stay where you can hear the breeze in the eucalypts, see kangaroos grazing – right in the hills just above Silkies Rose Farm at…
695 Spur Road, Clonbinane
Your very own sanctuary in the mountains.
Peaceful, private & pet friendly. Self-contained, modern farmhouse, sleeps 7, tastefully decorated with a “chookie” theme!
Phone: Cathy 5787 1561 or 0416 391 085
We have stunning potted specimens of these roses which, when planted in your garden this autumn, will be absolutely spectacular come spring flowering – these are all very highly recommended roses and suit some of the most difficult situations when planning where to plant roses … these three roses are super healthy, very continually free flowering and afford you a most reliable rose …
One of the first climbing roses I ever planted which was a constant pleasure right outside our bedroom window of the cottage at Kilmore. I now have it planted in obelisks here and it is ALWAYS flowering in massive clusters which are glorious to place in a vase of mixed roses

Stunning colour, awesome disease resistance and magnificent display of blooms from first flowers in spring and well into winter. This rose is a great ‘filler’ in mixed garden borders, very low-maintenance
Super long-lasting blooms and very healthy foliage on this rose which was originally planted in many Australian gardens as a floribunda during the 50’s. As a climbing rose, it can be used as a pillar or the 3mtr long canes can be tied to a fence to create a magnificently colourful display …

Yes, it’s a busy time here at Clonbinane and we promise more detailed rose management and garden bed preparation for winter roses in forthcoming issues – enjoy the glory of your autumn rose garden
… cheers, Graham, Diana & Mooi