Hello dear rose friends as we are about to board our flight back to Melbourne after a most exciting visit to Adelaide! We were invited guests to….
The National Rose Trial Garden Annual
Awards Presentation Dinner
because Graham’s very own rose ‘GRA’S BLUE’…
was awarded a BRONZE MEDAL
We have experienced the most amazing few days – Graham was overwhelmed and near speechless (believe me, that’s a VERY rare experience!!!). I feel so proud that his dedication, commitment and love of roses has produced such a stunning Award Winning Beauty and he has been recognised for his passion!
To witness his delight when receiving each Award was sensational – we stand here with Kelvin Trimper, President, World Federation of Rose Societies for Graham’s award presentation:
The bronze medal and certificate for MOST FRAGRANT ROSE IN TRIAL!
We spent hours trawling through the International Rose Trial Garden of Australia in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens and are excited to report that there are some absolutely magnificent roses being trialed there; if they perform well in the very hot Adelaide conditions, without any pampering – no chemical spray (good!!!), just regular fertilizer regime, water and mulch as you would grow them in your own garden, they will be released in the next few years and we have lots of great roses to look forward to!
We met with our growers, peers in our industry and have had a most relaxing, totally enjoyable time in Adelaide. Our own roses will be at their absolute BEST from this weekend onwards so you MUST put a visit to SILKIES ROSE FARM, CLONBINANE on your list of ‘things to do’ …

Q. Why can’t a ladybird ever hide? A. Because it is always spotted!
You’ll be thinking about which horse might be worth backing in the Melbourne Cup but I would highly recommend visiting FLEMINGTON RACECOURSE just to be up close and personal with the magnificent rose gardens there! If you get a chance, treat yourself to a spectacular day at the races during these weeks of horse racing and I hope you back a winner!
Q. Why couldn’t the pony talk? A. ‘cause he was a little horse.
Grasses are the essence of Nature! Researchers in Sydney found endorphins given off by lawn mowing keep us feeling good about ourselves! Aaah, the smell of a freshly cut lawn – you know the smell and feeling – no research necessary because we already know how good it feels and looks!!!
There’s more to it though – grasses are essential because, when they break-down in pastures and gardens, their dry matter and minerals wash into waterways and then into the ocean which then turns into a food source for fish. Our Oceans are the richest source of nutrients on our planet! Hence, the seaweed solution we use on our plants, which comes from the Ocean, is vital for balanced plant nutrition and remember, regular applications of seaweed solution will afford your roses up to 5 degrees heat tolerance so liberally pour over the foliage of roses at least monthly to ensure bushes retain lots of healthy foliage!!!
ROSE FLOWERS IN THE HOUSE – there is no greater pleasure than cutting a bucket full of rose blooms to fill vases in your home! Here are some rules which you MUST stick to which will ensure longevity of the roses you cut for a vase:
- Cut the roses early in the day (when possible) so they are well hydrated and cool;
- Take a bucket of cool, clean water to the garden with you;
- Trim the stems as long as possible and dunk them immediately into the bucket;
- Leave the bucket in the coolest room of your home for a few hours;
- Use only very clean vases to which you can add flower-preservative, if you prefer;
- Remove all the leaves which are below vase water level;
- Freshen water every couple of days – trim stems each time.
Diana devoted a chapter in her book ALL ABOUT ROSES to CUTTING ROSES FOR A VASE – there is an extensive lot of special hints and tips which are useful if you love to have vases of roses in your home during the flowering season … enjoy the beauty of your garden, inside too!
Here is a pic of GRA’S BLUE which was picked on Sunday, conditioned as per above instructions, wrapped in wet tissue and sealed in a plastic bag, placed in luggage for our Monday flight to Adelaide, put back in clean water on arrival at our motel in Adelaide, presented for display on Tuesday night for the Awards Ceremony.
GOLDEN CELEBRATION is one of the first roses flowering in our display gardens ..
aaah, what a sight and fragrance sensation …

and MAURICE UTRILLO … the most stunning and healthy,
robust striped DELBARD ROSE begged to be shared with you …

Also don’t forget to tune in to
ABC RADIO 774 at 10.30am (AEST)
this coming Sunday 1st November
Diana will be in the studio on Sunday morning doing a radio segment so don’t miss out!
See you soon at Clonbinane … Diana, Graham & Mooi …