Hello dear rose friends in the peak of one of the most magnificent seasons for roses and gardens generally!  Our gardens and the potted roses look sensational so do make an effort to attend



I received this email after an article presented in Rose Rambler last week:

“Hi Diana, I bought a fragrant dark red climbing rose from you called DON JUAN.  It is probably in too exposed a position to have grown to its best potential, but it is slowly filling a wire obelisk I gave it for support.  I didn’t realise it was a climber when I bought it and I would have chosen a different location if I had noticed it was a climber on the tag before I planted it, but I didn’t want to move it once it was in.  It is on the end of a row of red roses.

Eventually, I hope it is a spectacular pillar.  The scent is gorgeous.  Just thought I would remind you of it since you didn’t mention it as an alternative to MR LINCOLN, CLB.  Kind Regards,  Sarah”

MY RESPONSE:  “Hi Sarah … how lovely to read this email … you know, DON JUAN is still one of Graham’s most favourite CLIMBING RED roses and I’m almost 100% sure that he sent budwoodso that we will have DON JUAN plants later this winter … confirming:  WE WILL HAVE 20 plants available in July this year and you MUST CALL THE NURSERY on 03 5787  1123 if you wish to order!

Yes, it is a climber … sometimes, when a rose is ONLY grown as a climber, we name the rose exactly as is … for example, DON JUAN – RENAE – CREPUSCULE – ALTISSIMO – lots more climbing roses which are ONLY CLIMBING ROSES!  When a rose such as BLUE MOON orICEBERG (and lots of others) have a CLIMBING derivative (called a ‘sport’ usually) then we refer to the rose by its name and add the word CLIMBING on the plant tag.

Sorry for the confusion and I’m so glad you are pleased with DON JUAN in your garden!  Best wishes and Happy Easter … DIANA”


Since we’re talking about climbing roses, let me show you a few more amazing climbing roses which give EVERYTHING you want in a rose garden:

BLOSSOMTIME:  what a gorgeous spice and apple fragrance!  Perfectly formed mid-pink inner petals with dark pink shades outside make this such a particularly pretty specimen rose suitable for a vase and definitely a strikingly healthy specimen to scramble over a 2 x 2 metre lattice or fence … highly recommended climbing rose!

Pause for a joke:  Q. Why did the man run around his bed?  A. Because he was trying to catch up on his sleep!

DUBLIN BAY:  is one of the very BEST pillar-box-red climbing roses … always in flower, always healthy and neatly fits in a fan shape against even the most hot location; a brilliant climbing/pillar rose which, for me, exudes a subtle but distinct rose fragrance.
ALOHA:  such a unique colour and flower shape – I cannot get over how truly lovely this rose is and it is destined to be planted in a very prominent location in our gardens this autumn – I simply love this rose and highly recommend it for a climber in your garden!

Have a great week in your autumn rose garden … keep trimming and grooming spent flowers to encourage more growth and flowers right up into winter … close with a joke:

Q.  Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?  A. Of course! The Empire State Building can’t jump!!!

Remember, children and grandchildren are watching you when you garden – that’s how they learn about Mother Nature so take them into the garden with you!

If you’re in Sydney this weekend, pop into the Galston Community Centre on Sunday, 8th April and visit with me, Diana at the Upper North Shore Rose Show – I would LOVE to see lots of our customers and friends at this inaugural rose show.

Enjoy all the moments in your garden during this awesome season – Diana & Graham



Hello dear rose friends as we now enter a very busy time here at the Rose Farm and away at different events …


UNSH Rose Regional shared Rose Sales Online’s post: “Diana Sargeant from Rose Sales Online is flying up from Victoria to be with UNSH on Sunday 8th April 2018 11am -5.30 pm Galston Community Centre, 37 Arcadia Rd, Galston. Meet Diana, have a chat, see the beautiful Rose Display. Her book “All About Roses” will be for sale, she will autograph it. Enjoy the teas and other stalls.”

Then, I also hope you’ve booked to come to Art & Roses or Tesselaar’s Plant Expo on either Saturday or Sunday of the following weekend!

Please call me on 03 5787 1123 for more information about the above events.


Firstly, thanks for your messages when the rose I bred, GRA’S BLUE, was awarded:  Rose of the Month, March, 2018, an initiative of AusRose Promotions. Now, GRA’S BLUE is also in the running for AUSTRALIAN BRED ROSE OF THE YEAR, 2018 and we’ll let you know when you can vote accordingly.


It is said that mulching is the first essential for any Australian garden.  Mulch provides food for worms (who will start breeding soon) and also provides organic matter for a well-balanced and vital soil.

Mulch prevents run-off of top soil thus reducing erosion.  We use all types of mulch on our gardens –

LUCERNE – acts as food for worms, provides green manure and encourages soil microbes to proliferate as it leaches nutrients into the soil;

PEA STRAW – good open mulch to allow moisture penetration and natural nitrogen for plant leaf growth;

WHEAT/OAT STRAW – supplies silica nutrient for stem growth and is very easy to apply.  (Editor – Diana: this straw also grows the most amazing weeds you ever did see which Gra calls GREEN MANURE and which I call A MESS.)

EUCY MULCH – we use thick layers of this product on garden borders and paths rather than around our roses.

To retain warmth and moisture in your soil right up until winter, it is important to top-up the mulch NOW to provide ideal conditions for worms to breed – remember, they’re the army of workers you want in your garden as they aerate and fertilize the soil naturally!


Yes, they can be and it is especially important to get advice when selecting the right variety for your location and you are welcome to send pictures and dimensions via email: so that we can give you the best advice for successful climbing rose growing.  If you nominate the colour and any other specific requirements, we’ll suggest the variety to best suit your garden.

Here’s an email from Alison:  “I’m a bit disappointed in Mr Lincoln (climber) who has barely flowered but has put out huge long canes that I don’t know what to do with. I’m guessing the care advice will  be the same as your last reply but how do I manage these canes? The wire for them runs under the fascia on the verandah.”

MY RESPONSE:  I don’t like MR. LINCOLN CLIMBING for that reason … great arching canes which carry the most ferocious thorns!  There isn’t a red climbing rose with just a few thorns so there’s a HUGE gap in the rose market for a highly fragrant dark red CLIMBING rose!  I’ll ask Graham to do breeding with … NAHEMA X FIREFIGHTER which might result in a less thorny, highly fragrant, dark red climbing rose …  Ha Ha! 


Meantime, I think GUINEA (not as highly fragrant) or PAPA MEILLAND, CLB. are more gentle dark red, climbing roses.   MR. LINCOLN, CLB. needs to be strapped to a wall or fence – definitely NOT near where there is human traffic!
For a situation where you have wires under the fascia of the verandah, I would more highly recommend RENAECREPUSCULEPINKIE or others which are more well-foliaged and way less thorny!
HOT CHOCOLATE or HOT COCOA … What better way to avoid weight increase this Easter … buy either one of these beauties which are flowering now …


Have a HAPPY EASTER with family and friends … see you real soon here at the Rose Farm in Clonbinane or at one of our events …

Diana, Graham and Mooi

ROSE RAMBLER 22.3.2018


ROSE RAMBLER: 22nd March 2018

Hello dear rose friends and a HUGE THANK YOU for placing orders for winter in the first few days of our online store opening for bare-rooted orders; a special thank you to those who found a few ‘glitches’ and emailed to let us and our IT team know what was happening!

If you have concerns or issues with ordering roses for this winter, please don’t hesitate to email: and remember, you can still order POTTED ROSES to be posted anytime NOW.  Here’s a picture of SOUL MATE which was posted last week as a GIFT ROSE 

The roses look sensational and are flowering beautifully so if you prefer to plant your roses in autumn while the soil is still warm and conditions prevail to ensure the roses settle well, you’ll give them a light winter prune and have magnificent established plants flowering in Spring this year.

We always recommend:  DO NOT COMPROMISE!  If a certain variety isn’t available NOW, don’t buy just any rose because you adamantly wish to plant NOW!  Please wait until the varieties you’ve researched and pined for are available in winter … it’s not that long before you’ll be planting – just 8 – 12 weeks away, depending on variety!

Worth waiting for, I assure you!


When an order comes in, I ALWAYS respond immediately even thought the computer generates an automated response!

Here’s typical dialogue with our customers:

Hello Lyndell … thank you for your order.  What a beaut selection of varieties!!!  I’ll contact you prior to posting the roses so you know to expect them … meantime, get digging and dunging!  CheersLyndell responded:  Ha ha  ….  every intension of digging and dunging.   What do you recommend?   Cow, sheep, horse?   We are making a whole new rose bed so glad we have a few months to get it all ready to plant – can’t wait.

So I responded:   EVERY LITTLE BIT OF ANY KIND because you’ve got lots of time to have it all rot down into a PERFECT blend for roses!  Be sure to water over the entire garden bed with seaweed solution every say, week or two and keep the entire area nice and moist so the worms come up and do all the back-breaking work of aerating the soil!!!  They’re the army you want onside but you have to make it irresistible enough for worms to come and work for YOU!  Enjoy the preparation because I just know you will DEFINITELY enjoy the rewards of magnificent roses for many years – especially since you’re doing all this beaut preparation!!!  Cheers … Diana


With the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show on this week, I hope you stop in and take a look at the Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria hanging basket competition – Silkies Rose Farm are represented with a magnificent basket of PURPLE RAIN

and do stop in and say hello to Steve and the crew at Organic Crop Protectants stand B23 – they have great show specials on all the organic rose-management products so you can pick up a bargain!

Q.  What do you call a flying policeman?  A. A heli-copper.

Hi Diana and Graham  – You didn’t mention what time of day the “Eco-Organic Management Program” should be applied – in the morning at watering time (seems sensible but maybe not advised because of the oil) or in the evening?  Please let us know! Thanks and Regards – Sue 

MY RESPONSE … Sorry … sometimes I forget that there are ‘new subscribers’ every day and I should repeat myself constantly – most especially on this VERY IMPORTANT aspect of rose management – yes preferred in the morning when the stomata (pores) is open and NEVER when temperatures expected to exceed 28-30 degrees.  If it suits you best to do the program in the evening because of work commitments, it’s better than not doing it but you do run a risk of having damp foliage overnight!  Hope this is helpful … cheers  … GRAHAM 

Q.  Did you hear about the two antennas that got married?  A. The wedding ceremony wasn’t too good, but the reception was great!  


It is the fragrance of the rose that above all, has been responsible for its enduring popularity throughout the Ages.

Rose scent, which is carried largely in the petals (though sometimes in the stamens) of the flower, is emitted into the air most strongly when the growth of the flower and the atmospheric conditions are perfectly aligned.

Often, on warm days, it’s a good idea to smell a rose then come back to it an hour or so later to give that ‘double-whammy’ effect.  Rose perfume goes straight to your brain!

Customers in the nursery yesterday … she said:  “He can never smell a rose when I know it has an amazing fragrance” … he said:  “She cannot smell any of the roses which I like”.  Very challenging so I picked up the jar of instant coffee and asked him to take a sniff of the coffee and then stick his nose into the rose which she thought was so lovely.

You won’t believe me I guess but he turned around, AMAZED that YES, he could indeed smell the most beautiful fragrance.  Obviously, to reinforce and prove my point, I asked her to take a whiff of the instant coffee then smell the rose which HE thought had magnificent perfume … You’re right, she was stunned that she could smell exactly what he could!!!

YOU MUST CLEAR THE OLFACTORY GLAND CONSTANTLY WHEN TESTING FOR FRAGRANCE and coffee beans/grounds or a tea bag are handy accompaniments when next visiting a rose garden to experience the true fragrance of roses!

It is my experience that people remember the perfume of a particular rose from 30 to 40 years ago – such is the power of our senses and for a truly sensational experience of rose fragrance, stick your nose into

All the above roses are available for planting in your garden NOW …

We might bump into you wandering down the aisles at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show … enjoy Melbourne and wherever you are during this magnificent autumn!

ROSE RAMBLER 16.3.2018

ROSE RAMBLER: 16th March 2018

Hello, dear rose friends … IT’S TIME TO GET ORGANISED FOR WINTER ROSE ORDERING … We invite you to peruse our online store which is now open for winter / bare-rooted rose ordering at 

If you want to order a rose which is not listed in our online store, please contact us at Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane by phone:  (03) 5787 1123 or 0418 337 765.  We guarantee to return your email enquiry within 24 hours: and will do our absolute best to source ANY rose which might be available in Australia this winter!

It’s important to note that you can purchase JUST ONE ROSE from Silkies … there is no minimum purchase restriction!!!


Since I’m the ‘big boss’ in this business, let me offer this very special AUTUMN PROMOTION … naturally, it would be MY ROSE … GRA’S BLUE that I am offering UNTIL MARCH 31ST – BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE.

GRA’S BLUE was awarded BRONZE and MOST FRAGRANT ROSE in the National Rose Trial Grounds at Adelaide Royal Botanic Gardens in 2015 – you should definitely buy one – now you have an opportunity to have TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!

This offer is available until MARCH 31ST or UNTIL SOLD OUT of current stock.

Q.  What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?  A.  A walkie-talkie.


Yes, it’s time now to get your garden sorted for coming winter and if there’s a rose you absolutely MUST relocate, DO IT ANY TIME NOW … there are special considerations which apply to most old-fashioned roses
Hi Graham, I would like some advice on transplanting some roses.  I have three Mutabilis (R. Chinensis ‘Mutabilis’) bushes I want to move. They are each approximately 1m x 1m.  I have read more than once that Mutabilis resents hard pruning and have only everdead headed the 10 or so roses I have with good success.  My concern is how far back can I prune the roses for transplant. Obviously they are cut back by you when you dig them up and send them to me bare rooted, but I am still a bit spooked about killing them in the process!  I have never had a problem transferring other types of roses but would like some words of wisdom from you about Mutabilis in particular. Thank you for your help.

Kind Regards,  Sue

MY RESPONSE … At 1 x 1 metre I don’t think they’ve been in the ground for a long time so cut them to a MANAGEABLE size for transplanting … I don’t think you need to chop them back to bare-rooted size .. just what makes it easy for you … deep, deep soak them back into new location then seaweed three times a week for first three to four weeks … they’ll flourish.  You can do it any time now … cheers

I employ the HEAD AND HEART principle when transplanting roses!  Your intuitive powers (head) linked with care and concern for the rose (heart) connect; and if you take your time, rose transplanting can be conducted at ANY TIME of the year.

ECO-SEAWEED applications as recommended above:  three times a week for the first three to four weeks will, in most cases, ensure the rose gets over transplanting shock and goes on to be a thriving specimen in its new location.

I am applying ECO-SEAWEED every couple of days to newly potted cutting-grown roses and it’s been amazing to see the rapid development of these ‘baby’ roses!

As soon as I see lush new growth I will apply light applications of fertilizer pellets every couple of weeks until May when the plants will start to shut down due to our very cold weather here at Clonbinane.


Because of cooler nights where damp conditions and dew prevail, I urge you to protect your roses by implementing this program every fortnight but most definitely, at least monthly:
To 10 litres of water add:

  •    ¼ cup ECO ROSE (FUNGICIDE)
  •     Small scoop ECO-SEAWEED (or other seaweed product)

MIX THOROUGHLY and pour over roses or spray foliage to run-off – avoid spraying flowers as yes, the spray will mark rose petals.  You can add liquid FERTILIZER to this spray – it’s very important to fertilize your roses NOW in autumn.


Best laugh at yourself!  Forget exercise, love and money – the key to happiness could be learning to laugh at yourself.  Psychologists and researchers studying different styles of humour and personality tests found that those who make self-deprecating jokes had better mental health and were more sociable – my best mate Bazza is a testament to this theory!
We now enjoy laughing as we challenge each other to who will live longest!

Q.  What do you find in an empty nose?  A.  FINGERPRINTS … oooh, yukky boys joke!


It’s been some years since we offered these varieties:

Which has the most amazingly pretty waved-petal formation as the perfect Hybrid Tea bud opens and there is a lovely fruity fragrance also …


Was bred by Eric Welsh who offered us an amazing opportunity more than 30 years ago to introduce his TRACEY WICKHAM rose here in Victoria – this transitioned into the creation of SILKIE GARDENS ROSE NURSERY which 25 years later became SILKIES ROSE FARM at CLONBINANE and and now we are so very pleased to re-release one of Eric’s most beautiful miniature roses which is a prized possession with rose exhibitors … a truly magnificent miniature rose …


Is a lovely rose planted with other GUILLOT roses in our garden – the fragrance, the form, the beauty … entirely awesome …AVAILABLE BARE-ROOTED WINTER 2018

Is very special and very highly recommended for perfection and magnificent beauty on a strong, upright, healthy bush …



If you live around Sydney, you might plan a visit to the UPPER NORTH SHORE & HILLS REGION ROSE SHOW where I will be to sign copies of my book ALL ABOUT ROSES and hope to meet many customers who planted our roses in their gardens … if you have a special query such as a rose to id or an issue with any rose, bring specimens along and I will have a chat with you

Meantime, enjoy autumn in your rose garden …Diana, Graham and the crew at Clonbinane!

Within 500 metres of the CLONBINANE INTERCHANGE
on the Hume Freeway, 60 kms north of Melbourne
Open every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday – 9am – 4pm
Phone 03 5787 1123


ROSE RAMBLER 8.03.2018 …


Hello, dear rose friends … it’s been such glorious weather here which gives us brilliant opportunity to spend more time in the garden – I’ve been planting roses which I held over from last winter!!!  Tova was bursting with enthusiasm to have a ‘planting day’ to savour watering those potted roses which begged to be planted in my garden!  Graham’s turn next week!!!

Autumn is an ideal time for planting and since it’s another long weekend with a public holiday on Monday in most States, take the kids to your local garden centre to get punnets of veggies and flower seedlings – get down and dirty in the garden together which makes caring for your garden a whole family responsibility and pleasure!

PANSY BORDER PLANTED 5TH MARCH 2018, which will give enormous pleasure throughout the whole year – see this pic of how pretty the garden bed is when roses start flowering in October too …


… it’s autumn so here are some tips on HOW TO FERTILIZE YOUR ROSE GARDEN …  Fertilizing your roses in autumn is a very important task and your plants will reward you immensely when they are fed with high-quality products to ensure they flower right up into winter.

We are so lucky now that science has produced easy-to-use fertilizers with a complete package of nutrients so that we don’t have to purchase a little bag of this and another bag of that.  Just buy a quality ALL PURPOSE FERTILIZER and spread it over the entire root zone of the plants.  Remember, a rose which is growing in well fertilized, the humus-rich soil will naturally be far more able to resist any pest and disease problems!

We’ve only got one small space to put nutrients into our bodies – yes, our mouth.   The clever mechanism of our body distributes all the goodness from that food throughout our entire system.

Plants are similar in that they spread feeder roots below their entire growth canopy so if you only throw the fertilizer at the ‘neck’ of the plant, that fertilizer isn’t being distributed evenly for the plant to be able to utilise it.  Take some time to lightly distribute the fertilizer around the entire root-zone/growth canopy of your roses.  Fertilize every eight weeks and enjoy the rewards – greater quantity of bigger blooms on sturdy, healthy bushes.

To get up to 30% more flowers on your roses, water ECO-SEAWEED solution over the rose bushes at least twice a month – you can add the ‘protectors’ – ECO-ROSE/FUNGICIDE to prevent fungus and ECO-OIL to prevent insect attack or act as a ‘sticker’.  Your roses will be superbly protected, energised and flower prolifically through this magnificent autumn.

The profusion of flowers on MOLINEUX is not an accident but good management and we consider MOLINEUX one of the BEST yellow roses we stock!



Research has shown that gardening for 30 to 45 minutes per day is the equivalent exercise to walking 3kms for 40 minutes or cycling 8kms in 30 minutes.
That’s not just out walking and smelling the roses!  However, just out walking and smelling the roses will add years and years of goodness to your life and change your mood, every time.

A recent ‘green space’ report has shown that 91% of people believe that parks and gardens have a positive effect on our quality of life, contributing more to our wellbeing than our jobs, our sex-life, money or religion.  Is it natural to want to be with Mother Nature?  The plants and flowers, of course, are essential to meet the needs of all our senses and roses are great because they flower for up to eight months of the year.

Q.  What do you get when you cross a computer programmer with an athlete?  A.  A floppy discus thrower!

NEXT WEEK will be open for ORDERING BARE-ROOTED ROSES for delivery this winter.  Of the 2018 NEW RELEASE ROSES which are so magnificent – here is one we’ve been watching closely which we urge you to store in your wish-list …

PER-FYOOM PERFUME is a most amazingly healthy and free-flowering variety with an interesting petal formation but most especially, a perfume to die for!  Yes, this is going to be our PREMIER ROSE FOR 2018 SEASON … I can’t wait for you all to grow this beauty and be as enamoured as we are!


I’m busy loading pictures and descriptions so the website is ready to go live next week … meantime, you can always call me Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 03 5787 1123 or email to discuss your order.

Enjoy this long weekend with family and friends … we’ll be open as usual so perhaps come for a visit to Clonbinane …

ROSE RAMBLER 1.03.2018 …

ROSE RAMBLER 01.03.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends and welcome to autumn … phew, we got there after some truly amazing summer weather, our roses will now be at their most spectacular best throughout this most magnificent season!

We just LOVE autumn in our garden because of the spectacular ornamental trees – stunningly pretty for many weeks and we’ll let you know when they are at their best so that you can plan a visit during that time.


This joke was contributed by Judith …

Q.  Why did the butterfly flutter by? A.  Because it had helped the dragonfly drain the flagon dry.


1.    IS IT FRAGRANT?  Seriously necessary reason to plant a rose in the garden!
2.    IS IT HEALTHY?  A strong, vigorous rose will give pleasure for many years!
3.    IS IT LONG-LASTING IN A VASE?  Taking roses into your home is wonderful!
4.    IS THE LOCATION IN MY GARDEN OK?  Minimum 6 hours of sun is all it needs!

Since autumn is a great season for GARDENING, here are just FOUR ROSES which I highly recommend for PLANTING NOW … the nursery is abundant with beautiful potted roses; you can continue to order potted roses online at and have them delivered to your door – if you plant now, during autumn, you’ll have the most amazing, fully established roses flowering this coming spring!

MR. LINCOLN is such a strong grower and has the most amazing fragrance of all the red roses – it’s a reliable rose in all climates, it produces masses of perfectly formed, long-stemmed blooms in abundance all season – our MOST POPULAR RED ROSE for years!
POPE JOHN PAUL II has awesome fragrance … like to die for PERFUME!  Magnificently sweet, fruity perfume that you wish you could bottle!  The purest white blooms are perfectly formed and make an ideal rose to cut for a vase to place indoors – just one bloom will give you incredible fragrance throughout your home.
TROPICAL SUNSET is one of the most beautiful striped roses you could EVER WISH TO PLANT IN YOUR GARDEN! It is such an immensely robust bush which freely produces masses of perfectly formed blooms with glorious slashes of apricot/creamy-yellow – a vase of this beautiful rose on your kitchen bench will ease any stress and awe you!
DOUBLE DELIGHT has been around FOREVER and prevails as one of the most highly fragrant and delightful (pardon the pun) roses you should grow in your garden as it produces lovely long-stemmed blooms of cream, tinged carmine at the edge of each petal … a seriously beautiful rose which has been a NO. 1 most popular rose forever!
I could go on and on with recommending roses which you should plant in your garden to guarantee pleasure and fragrance – stay posted to my ‘GARBLING’ and I’ll tell you which roses to place on your bare-rooted rose order this winter!!!

Q.  What did one eye say to the other eye?  A. Between you and me, something SMELLS!


because I know that you will harvest and enjoy more than 30% more blooms, fruits and vegetables if you apply ECO-SEAWEED at least ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, I am offering every 600g pack at a SPECIAL AUTUMN PRICE OF $25.00 – normal rrp $32.50 so stock up now and use this fabulous product on your garden as frequently as I do!

Whether you order online at or come to the Rose Farm to purchase ECO-SEAWEED during March, you will receive a FREE PASS to the value of $50 to ‘KABLOOM’ Festival of Flowers from March 30 until the weekend when we present our own spectacular rose flowers during PLANT EXPO weekend Sat. 14th and Sun. 15th April.  Lock in the dates as I will be speaking on Saturday, 14th!

The results of using ECO-SEAWEED on all the plants in your garden will amaze you! Enjoy all the glory of autumn … Gra

DIANA’S BOOK – ALL ABOUT ROSES … globally recognised …

“Hi, My name is David and I live in the San Francisco bay area. I recently started reading All About Roses and decided to look up your website. I really love Diana’s story and this email is in hopes of asking for advice from her.

I recently realized my passion for roses and it’s my dream now to have a rose garden + farm. Other than the aesthetics, fragrance, and symbolism of roses, I’m passionate about growing them locally and contribute to the environment and economy. A little about me: I’m 41 and have been working in Silicon Valley as a UI designer. So, the world of roses (and farming) is brand new to me. But I started volunteering at a rose garden 2 months ago and have been doing research on roses, farming, soils, etc.

I’d like to ask Diana: What’s the best way for me to start and learn? What else should I think about before I venture further into roses as a business? My gut instinct says “Go work at a rose farm and learn on the job”, but at the same time, I could invest some time in education, some kind of certification, attend a farm school, etc. and make myself more valuable before working for a farm.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about roses in your book.  Cheers,  David”

MY RESPONSE:  Hello David … I’m not sure whether I wrote it in the book, think I did … “I used to take rose catalogues and journals to read in bed!!!  I closed my eyes for years and years, dreaming of roses and knowing their names and being a part of who they are!”
You don’t need certification, you don’t need to attend school … you need a burning passion and love for the ROSE … the rest all comes naturally.  I also love animals and humans … I have a good, friendly attitude about life generally … I’m positive even when the weather is 48 degrees C and my roses are cooking, I can love them and know they’ll pull through and be beautiful in their own time!
You are welcome to email me – go to the local rose farm and get clues … I’ve had staff work with me in the past 32 years – one of them set up her own business but only lasted a few years … it takes stamina and passion of the ultimate … do it and love it and you will be eternally happy sharing your love of roses and caring for the environment. Talk soon perhaps … best wishes and thank you for telling me how much you enjoyed my book!  The world NEEDS more passionate gardeners!!!  Cheers … DIANA


We are almost ready to open bare-rooted roses in our online store where you can open a WISH LIST and start to select all the lovely new release roses for 2018 along with our regular list of more than 300 varieties which we confidently recommend you grow in your garden.

Remember, “Patience is a virtue”!

You’re welcome to call us at the Rose Farm any Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to open an order for your bare-rooted roses which will be posted/available for pick-up from late May …

Meantime, enjoy the glory of your garden during the cooler months of autumn … best wishes from us all at Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane … Graham and Diana

ROSE RAMBLER 22.02.2018 …

ROSE RAMBLER 22.02.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends … thank you all so very much for your lovely messages and best wishes for my 60th birthday yesterday!  I’ve had a most wonderful, fortunate life; blessed with a beautiful family and although I enjoyed my early working career in our family bakery at Kilmore, waitress at all three pubs in town, first real-job as Assistant to Shire Secretary at Kilmore Council and subsequently, great positions in my secretarial profession, I’m so glad that when I met Graham again in 1984, he didn’t promise me a rose garden … but rather, we created a business and became professional Rosarians together!


This is the last week of summer and despite all sorts of weather conditions, our roses have endured and look stunning – just as we expect roses to do!

Q. What has six eyes but cannot see? A. Three blind mice!


Did I leave the best till last? No, not necessarily, it depends on what you really want to see; these are just beautiful in their own right and deserve a place in your garden!

(Top: LamarqueMiddle: Renae, Bottom: Summers Evening)
Q. What do you call BEARS with no EARS?  A. ‘B’
– it took a while for me to get this one too!


Question via email:

I wish to have my roses blooming for 16th March this year.  I did cut off all buds and many long stems too over one week ago but they all have thrived with some special rose feeding and mulch and look ready to bloom before my March date. So will I just remove all red leaves/buds in the hope they will stall and roses will bloom when I want them on date above?  Mainly David Austin roses grown.  Your advice welcome.  Bev

MY RESPONSE:  I would be surprised if you have lots of blooms for that date … it’s usually 45-60 days prior that you do the cut to guarantee flowering.  We cut the nursery yesterday so that we are ready for Art & Roses 2nd weekend April … gardens being done through this week – we might be a bit cooler but 60 days is good to work with.  Cheers


If you didn’t already know, I just adore heritage roses!  Here is an extract from the American Rose Annual, 1931 by F.E. Lester

“The discovery, protection and preservation of our old roses constitutes a challenge to all rose lovers.  No one person, no one committee can do justice to it.  It is a duty resting upon all who love the rose, its history, its romance, its usefulness as an agency of human happiness, to save our disappearing old roses for the benefit of present and future generations and to make known their manifold advantages to all who love gardens.”
STANWELL PERPETUAL as the name suggests is perpetually flowering magnificently!  Lovely fragrance, delightfully healthy grey-green foliage as a wonderful foil to the pretty blush-pink to pure white blooms throughout an amazingly long flowering season – in some climates, I guess STANWELL PERPETUAL will flower all year!

It is one of our most favourite old-fashioned roses … please don’t inundate us with requests for this gorgeous rose NOW but rest assured we will continue to stock this rose as long as we own a rose nursery!

So what defines a HERITAGE ROSE?  At the 2016 Heritage Rose National Conference, it was unanimously voted that any rose which was bred 75 years ago or more would qualify.  That is a ‘moving’ date which will eventually include the David Austin roses and since PEACE was bred in 1935, it is now also a HERITAGE / OLD-FASHIONED ROSE!  

If you’re interested in researching roses, always go directly to and don’t hesitate to leave them a donation for the considerable amount of information they collate which affords us easy access to roses around the world at the push of a button!

Overcoming weeks I will introduce you to some beautiful roses which I hope inspire you to grow at least ONE old-fashioned/heritage rose in order to preserve their glory in Australian gardens forever.

Yeyyh, Diana, Thanks for the Rambler and its news. Couldn’t agree more with being a joiner. A dear lady is giving all of her Rose Annuals to the QRS. They date from 1952. I have most of mine from 1967 except some I gave to an outback family who are still growing lovely roses. I am re-reading some great articles I remember well and wanted to find again. One by Dr A S Thomas on exhibiting in other states. It is surely the best thing ever written on the subject.  It is the 1984 Annual.  I grow a lovely rose called “That’s Life” that is said to be named for Dr Thomas. Can’t agree more with “Teasing Georgia” and “William Morris”. They are among my favourites but I grow them as shrubs. Delicious!  ….Laurel in QLD always sends us lovely emails with great information …

Ann took action … Hi there … Thanks for the Info on joining organisations etc. Years ago I did belong to the Heritage Rose Society and I loved their quarterly journal still have them all.  I let my membership lapse but will now renew. I have lots of species roses on my nature strip mixed with native plants;  there is plenty of room and they are so tough only water is the rain.  I planted there for all little creatures inc. possums and I love listening and watching the birds.  My favourite is Rosa Moyesii Geranium.  Cheers …Ann


Enjoy this last week of summer in your garden …

ROSE RAMBLER 15.02.2018 …

ROSE RAMBLER 15.02.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends … have you joined a Rose Society or perhaps your local Garden Club yet?  All these groups rely on interested gardeners to swell their ranks which in turn means the group can attract great speakers to their meetings and everybody benefits!
Whenever we receive an invitation to speak at such a group or Club we like to know that we’re not driving a distance to speak with 10 people but rather, fill your local hall with 40-50 or more and yes, we’ll happily come and share our expertise.

We are members of the Rose Society of NSW because we can access a most interesting and useful publication:  Rose Breeders’ Forum.  All groups produce a newsletter and there is a Rose Society in each State.  If you need assistance with finding your local group, please email me: and I will source information – I respond to email within 24 hours!

I am particularly fond of old-fashioned roses so maintain my membership of Heritage Roses in Australia – for more information – I have years of their journals and always take at least one away on holidays.

Recently, we joined the Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria and I cannot wait to receive their next quarterly newsletter, GARDENERS’ GAZETTE which contains brilliant information!  Contact:  Secretary & Membership – Jennifer Rickerby email:

DO IT NOW!!!  Share your love of gardening with like-minded gardeners and enjoy the friendship and camaraderie which is a natural consequence of being in a Garden Club or Rose Society!






The Rose Annual 1919, pp 70-76



hope you all enjoyed the romance of roses in your life yesterday?  I placed this vase ofKARDINAL on Diana’s desk.

Q.  What happened to the cat that swallowed a ball of wool?  A.  She had mittens.

We promised to show you MORE BEAUTIFUL CLIMBING ROSES which are ALSO AVAILABLE AS WEEPING ROSES … this group are all large-flowered / old-fashioned shaped blooms.  The branching canes will be heavy so the steel ring and pole kit are absolutely essential to enhance the spectacular beauty of these three varieties:

There will be more suggestions for great climbers/weepers next week …
Q.  How do you find where a flea has bitten you?  A. Start from scratch.


Several years ago I completed this course and urge you to consider undertaking participation so that you too learn how to, amongst other things, make great compost, learn alternative gardening practices to enhance our environment and connect with other gardeners who are inspired to make a difference!  Ernst and Rosie will definitely inspire you in these workshops …

GRA’S BLUE is finally available again!
There was such a demand for my AWARD WINNING, highly fragrant, mini-floribunda rose that we had to de-list it but I’m excited to tell you that we are once again offering magnificent plants of GRA’S BLUE … go to tomorrowafternoon to see our special offer available until end February 2018.

In closing, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR … as we enter the Year of the Dog – remember that your dog is always welcome here at the Rose Farm provided they are on a lead because there are usually chooks roaming and we don’t want any incidents!
Yes, we have GRA’S BLUE plants available NOW at Clonbinane … see you real soon …

Cheers from Diana, Graham and MOOI.

ROSE RAMBLER 08.02.2018 …


ROSE RAMBLER 08.02.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends as we revel in this glorious summer weather with green lawns and lushly foliaged roses which are blooming magnificently – such an unprecedented season for us here at Clonbinane where just 9 years ago we endured 48-degree heat and the tragedy of Black Saturday bushfire which entirely destroyed our front garden.

Thankfully, Graham and Ben saved our home and many of the magnificent trees which form the backbone of our ‘paradijs’, which is now resurrected and an absolute delight to us and those who visit!



I remind you that TODAY or TOMORROW at the latest you must organise a GIFT rose for the love in your life to be delivered next WEDNESDAY, ST. VALENTINE’S DAY … if you need EXPRESS POST for interstate delivery you will have to email Diana at: as this option is NOT AVAILABLE in the online store but I am more than pleased to be able to send your GIFT ROSE via EXPRESS POST.

My pick for the most incredibly glorious highly fragrant blooms which, when open, fade to rich cerise –  will be a winner so that even the least romantic person could present this rose to the one they love and the message is all said and done in the rose itself – simple!

So, let us here at make your gift-giving this St. Valentine’s Day beautifully simple – all you have to do is select the colour of a rose and we’ll gift wrap a magnificent flowering potted specimen and post it to the recipient.  I’m happy to write your romantic message too!
MR. LINCOLN is another beauty which is sure to be an absolute heart-winning rose!
Rather than buy flowers this Valentine’s Day, buy the whole rose bush and enjoy the flowers throughout many years of flowering seasons to be reminded of the love in your life, over and over.
DEVOTED TO YOU … the name says it all on this special occasion … perfectly formed red, red roses!



Lots of our customers rely solely on tank water for their gardens.  Naturally, when we don’t get decent rain periods, keeping a constant supply of water happening can be seriously challenging gardening.  If your roses are stressed due to lack of water, lightly trim spent flowers and with as little as 10 litres of water per week, confidently know the bushes will survive until the rain comes.

Q.  What is the biggest ant?  A.  An elephant … of course!

If you haven’t done the Summer pruning, there is still time – it means that your roses will show off their most glorious blooms from mid-March onwards when the temperature is cooler and the flowers last so much longer on the bushes!

We’ll be pruning the potted roses again during the next couple of weeks – we need to time the flowering to ensure we have beautiful flowers for the:

APRIL 14TH & 15TH 


is very natural at this time of year and should not cause concern or any need for spraying.  During very hot periods, the water rises from the roots first to the very top of the plant.  A vacuum created in the leaves due to transpiration needs to be filled first.  The lower leaves, which are not very active anymore, are neglected in the water supply, turn yellow and eventually drop off – the rose stems have thickened and the attachment of the leaves is gradually severed.  A bit like we lose hair and skin every day!

Enjoy the sun on your face and the wind in your hair while out gardening and remember to order a rose bush this week so that you’re prepared for the romance on St. Valentine’s Day next Wednesday. One last joke:

Q. What type of jam cannot be eaten?  A. Traffic jam!


Cheers from us all here at SILKIES ROSE FARM, Clonbinane

Within 500 metres of the CLONBINANE INTERCHANGE
on the Hume Freeway, 60 kms north of Melbourne
Open every FridaySaturdaySunday and Monday – 9am – 4pm
Phone 03 5787 1123

friend on Facebook | |

Our mailing address is:

Rose Sales Online

550 Crn Spur and McDonald’s Rds

ClonbinaneVictoria 3658


ROSE RAMBLER 01.02.2018 …


ROSE RAMBLER 01.02.2018 …

Hello, dear rose friends as we start the last month of summer and our gardens look forward to some relief from the scorching heat.


Thanks to the brave souls who ventured here last Sunday for a Walk ‘n’ Talk in the gardens with me … it was great sharing and swapping ideas.

Here’s my funny bit for this week – hope you enjoyed the Australian Open Tennis …

“JOHNNY, why aren’t you playing tennis with Simon anymore?” his mother asked.
“Mum, would you play with someone who always lies about the score?”  Johnny responded.
“Absolutely not!” his mum said.
“Well, neither would Simon,” Johnny said.

“Oh Dear, What Is The Matter? Should I Panic ): !”

….was the heading of a few emails from Jenny before we finally got to the bottom of her issue:

”You’re not doing night watering, are you? The foliage is affected by black spot/fungus which is generally due to wet foliage overnight … it’s been weather like that down here too!!!    See ABRAHAM DARBY affected by night watering:

Perhaps add some eco-rose (fungicide) and eco oil to the eco-seaweed – you can pour it over from a watering can if you want!!!  Hope this helps … cheers

“You are a genius, no doubt about that. I have removed all affected leaves, fed them and yes guilty as charged, night watering – even though I water from below, the leaves are probably getting wet – derh!

You have warned us all countless times about this. Yes, they are growing like crazy, foliage, buds, flowers and I assume roots – no wonder they are hungry. First rose in full bloom – stunning – and lots of rosebuds forming!  I am SO HAPPY with my ABRAHAM DARBYS.

Thank you again for your kindness, your sensational knowledge and wisdom about roses (that you share so passionately with us all) and your perseverance with me. ”  -Jenny

Here is an extract from Diana’s book:  ALL ABOUT ROSES which you should most definitely have a copy of – not stored in a bookcase but on a shelf in the garden shed or really handy so you can refer to rose issues with assurance …

Hose watering

Watering the garden with a hand-held hose or sprinkler is fine if you only have a small garden.  The roses must be watered on a regular basis for them to perform to their maximum capacity.  Leaving them to dry out for weeks on end and then watering every day will cause chaos for the plants and you will start to see incidence of disease and a decreased number of flowers.

Also, giving the roses a light squirt whilst walking around the garden enjoying the splendid evening fragrance with a beverage in one hand and a hose in the other is a definite NO-NO for your roses.  The foliage will remain wet during the night and most certainly lead to the onset of fungus problems like black-spot and powdery mildew.

Q.  What do you call a sleepy bull?  A. A Bulldozer!


Stunning Rambling climbers which are also budded to 1.8 metre tall weeping roses:

Whether grown as a scrambling rose over an arch or structure, this is also our most popular weeping rose …
Never without flowers and holding a lot of foliage during winter this amazing rambling rose is the most popular pink weeper …
The ‘do anything you like with me’ rose is absolutely brilliant as a weeping specimen rose … remember to feed it copiously, continually!  Glorious rose which may have a slight pink blush during cooler weather but otherwise purest white in massive profusion during more than 9 months of flowering.
Yes, there are more varieties which we highly recommend so I’ll follow through next week with more recommendations.

Meantime, know that we have researched having weeping roses delivered to your door in other States by RANGEVIEW TRANSPORT and although it’s as expensive as the rose itself, you might consider such a spectacular show in your garden very worth the expense!

Please call us at the nursery on 03 5787 1123 during normal business hours – 9am – 4pm  EVERY FRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY and MONDAY if you’re interested.  IS MOVING FORWARD by adopting eParcel which promises to make sending our beautiful roses more efficient and we’ll have greater support in the event of a parcel going astray.

I am told that because we hand-write our customer address on the box, their computers are way more likely to pass-over our parcels because they cannot read them as quickly as they can the e-Parcel sticker … yes, this definitely happened on several parcels in the lead-up to Christmas.

Let’s see what happens with this new system as we hope to continue to receive emails like this one …

“Hello, Diana …A note to say thank you for your prompt action on my last minute request, by phone, for ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ to be sent to my sister in Ringwood for her birthday. It arrived on time beautifully presented & in bloom she said…she was thrilled … So easy for me too! Thanks again, Lesley”

Enjoy this last month of summer in your rose garden …