ROSE RAMBLER 22.10.2015

Hello dear rose friends as the first magnificent blooms emerge from our frosty, colder than normal winter season – the fragrance and beauty is a delightful reward for our efforts and patience, especially when we know how many of you have been enjoying beautiful roses for many weeks already!

There are a lot of open gardens and events which we have been invited to share with you:

The Rose Society of Victoria Inc.

SATURDAY November 7th – 1 pm to 5:30 pm
SUNDAY   November 8th – 10 am to 4:30 pm

Mount Waverley Community Centre
Cnr. Stephensons Rd & Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley
(opposite Mt Waverley Railway Station, off street parking available)



Or do they?  Here’s an email from Darren …

Hi Diana, I have a quick question – my Reine des Voilettes is currently flowering and there is no scent at all.
I thought this rose was supposed to be highly scented, Is there any environmental factors that can affect scent?  Thanks 

My response:  Hi Darren … maybe it’s YOU ????  Could it be the heat ????  Take a bloom, lay it in the palm of both hands – your body heat will warm it – then take a really clear, long sniff.  REINE DES VIOLETTES

is most definitely a fragrant rose!  There are times when I have detected absolutely NO FRAGRANCE in THE CHILDREN’S ROSE which would be considered one of the most highly fragrant roses in the nursery … it’s all about time of day and where your olfactory senses are at … please let me know how you experience this … cheers, Diana

After emailing that his neighbour come in to check for fragrance, no, she couldn’t smell anything either, the following day I received this email:

YAY!!!  We have success – the rose smells beautiful!! That rich old rose smell.  How bizzare! The sun yesterday must have taken all the scent out of the flower, I know it happens with some of my others (The Prince seems to get stronger scent in the sun and others get weaker but never zero scent like this) – Thanks for putting up with my cyber sooking hehe  Have a good weekend 


Let’s start with something funny because I’m about to get serious … Q.  What sort of hat does a spy wear?  A.  A peek cap! 

It is reported that Australian’s dump 40% of their food waste in garbage bins which then ends up in landfill sites.  If you want to take positive action to stop this happening at your home, here’s a really great idea which I have been trialling for several months since being shown how to by Helmut at Wandong –

Take 1 metre (approx.) off-cut lengths of 100-200mm (or greater if you can find it) stormwater pipe, either plastic/terracotta/concrete and push them very firmly into a garden bed – particularly important if you have a large-breed dog who could push the pipe out of the ground – compost is LETHAL for your pets!!!

The pipes should be located very close to the kitchen.  If you can find a ‘lid’ that would be good – just to keep vermin/birds/pets out.  Each time food scraps are added to the pipe, have a bale of straw/milled lucerne/shredded paper close to lightly cover them – this will add air which is a very important component in good compost-making!

You shouldn’t need to water into the pipes since most food scraps contain lots of moisture but occasionally, if you’re out with a watering-can of seaweed solution, slosh it into the pipe for added nutrient/break down capacity.

Worms will very quickly work out what you’re doing and take up residence in your ‘pipe-house’!  Keep a check on what’s going on by lifting the lid once the pipe is filled up.  Leave it for about 12 weeks then raise the pipe and harvest the humus/compost layer to place around newly planted seedlings, roses, planting holes for all plants.

ALWAYS cover the fresh compost with straw mulch – exposed to the sun, the precious microbes in the compost might die!

An average household will need to have four or five compost pipes to adequately accommodate kitchen scraps.  For a really funky look, get the kids to paint them in all different colours, let them test their graffiti skills at home and add a supremely environmentally-friendly composting system to your garden!

Helmut died at a grand age recently; as a tribute to his life of practicing and sharing, I feel compelled to share his infinite knowledge of ‘natural gardening’ and I hope that you will use this simple, easy, economical and sustainable way of caring for our environment by reducing land-fill waste and composting your food scraps – I am because it does work!

I am doing a COMPOSTING WORKSHOP for Mitchell Shire on SATURDAY, 7th NOVEMBER starting here at the Rose Farm at 10.00am to demonstrate all my composting methods – then we’ll go to the CLONBINANE COMMUNITY HALL (just up the road) to build compost heaps for the Community Garden there.

Bookings are essential – call us on 5787 1123 or contact Council’s Waste Education Officer, Anne McLean:  5734 6200 or email

Just so I know you’ve read all my ‘garble’ and you’re waiting for the second joke, here it is:

Q.  What has four legs and doesn’t walk?  A.  A table – of course! 

Enjoy building your new ‘pipe-houses’ which are sure to be a success during the warm months ahead … Gra

Here are a few pics from around the ROSE FARM this week …
Morning meditation – Gra watering – yes, it requires concentration while being so meditative!

First roses and clematis:  JOSEPH’S COAT climbing rose –
Enjoy all the glory of your rose garden … Diana, Graham & Mooi 

P.S. These gardens will be sensational and very worthy of a day in the country …

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