ROSE RAMBLER 24.08.2017 …
Hello dear rose friends from still frosty mornings here in Clonbinane! Sunny days have given us an opportunity to complete potting all of this seasons roses and we’re almost done with pruning the rose gardens – thanks to the lovely team who work alongside us: TOVA, LEIGH and BEN.
In coming weeks, you’ll get lots of information about how best to manage watering your rose garden – we are already seeing issues with OVERWATERING ROSES – it’s definitely the quickest and easiest way to kill your roses! Let the newly planted roses settle in before you start drenching them … you’ve just got to get it right and we’ll talk though this in coming Rose Rambler newsletters.
Please understand that we have vastly different weather conditions from South Australia to Victoria and all along the eastern seaboard through NSW and into QLD. Our advice to you when you email or phone us will be to INTUITIVELY manage each situation within YOUR rose garden … get switched on to what’s happening where you live!
Take a look at this information which comes from a company I visited at Young, NSW just last week because I am interested in their products for making our soil/potting mix more alive with humus and microbes. I enjoy learning and sharing information from companies such as this one:
Anyone who follows our work here at knows how deeply we are invested in making the public aware of the underreported dangers of both Roundup herbicide, and genetically modified food, particularly the new RNA interference technologies.For instance, did you know that:
- Roundup was foundtoxic in the parts-per-trillion range?
- Roundup is contributing to thedeath of coral reefs?
- Roundup may becausing global droughts?
- Roundup maycause Birth Defects?
- Roundup pollution is so prevalent that it is found in Rain Samples?
I encourage you to use an organic method of WEED CONTROL – please consider using SLASHER – NATURAL WEEDKILLER which is another fabulous product thanks to research and development by Organic Crop Protectants. We have used SLASHER for years in the lead up to it being registered as a NATURAL WEEDICIDE and it works for us!
Now that your rose garden is pruned and mulched the most important thing you can do is FERTILIZE with a quality well-balanced organic fertiliser – we use and recommend COMPLETE ORGANIC FERTILIZER which you can collect here at the Rose Farm. Visit your local nursery and be guided by their recommendations if you cannot visit us.
Q. What do you call a really, really strong vegetable? A. Vegemite!
You can pretty much turn your back on the rose garden once you’re done – however, if you water over the entire garden with ECO-SEAWEED solution once a fortnight, you’ll set the roses up to be healthy and hardy during the forthcoming expected hot summer – they’ll enjoy heat tolerance of between 3-5 degrees – that’s significant when you consider how hot our summer sun can be!
Q. How do you catch a unique rabbit? A. Unique up on it! (You sneak up on it)
In closing I want to share a couple of varieties of roses which really stand out for me:
Hot pink, seriously vibrant with a super strong, very sweet perfume on a bush which grows to at least 1.5 metres tall and produces lovely strong stems suitable for presentation in a vase – plant this rose in the hottest, airiest situation in your garden!

A most amazingly robust rose which produces masses of perfectly formed blooms on long, strong stems constantly … suitable in all climates …

Is one of the most prolific and beautiful David Austin roses for mass planting where yellow/buff/apricot blooms are produced on a very tidy, rounded shrub of extreme health and vigour – such a delight for the variety of colour in the blooms

Stay happy and healthy in your garden – Gra
Although the roses are potted now, we are still posting them by lifting them from the humid-crib environment of their 20cm pots of coir-fibre – the roots are established so we gently wrap them in damp newspaper, seal them in a plastic bag and they’re travelling well as Meg and others testify:
They are already looking so much better for a bit of fresh air and sunshine so here’s hoping they will enjoy life here at Yallambee. Kind Regards – MegMy response to Meg … Thanks so much Meg for letting me know … I feel for the roses being cramped in boxes and probably thrown hither-thither in AustPost vans once they’ve been positively dizzied by several rounds of the carousel in the mail centres they pass through! I’m so glad I work with such tough plants which endure all we throw at them and I’m glad they’re going to be loved and nurtured in your garden! Best wishes … Diana
Keep on ordering bare-rooted roses because they’re travelling well even though they now have good growing shoots on them.
on the Hume Freeway, 60 kms north of Melbourne
9 – 4 PM – PH. 03 5787 1123 …