ROSE RAMBLER 25.8.2016 …
Hello dear rose friends as we farewell a cold, wet, bleak winter which reminded me of when I was a kid walking to school breaking ice on puddles. Of course, because of the great rains experienced around Australia, we’ll enjoy a bumper season of spring gardening!

Although I’ve successfully grown clematis for more than 25 years and wouldn’t consider my garden ‘complete’ without their magnificence, I was shocked when I started pulling weeds in the front garden yesterday to note that all the clematis are loaded with lovely foliage … I HAVEN’T HAD TIME TO PRUNE THEM!
Normally, I prune every branch down to around 30cms and remove the spent foliage but I’ve spent all my time up in the nursery these past months and totally neglected my front garden so I had to resort to assistance from our clematis guru for advice as to what I should do … just in case you’ve not pruned your clematis this winter, here’s some helpful advice:
I definitely WON’T be pruning the clematis now but WILL definitely be placing a heap of compost and Complete Organic Fertilizer then pea-straw mulch around the base of every one of those magnificent plants – I’ll do the same for my asparagus while I’m down there.
And, I suppose, while I’m pulling all the weeds which I told you about last week, I will make an effort to prune the roses too … maybe they will wait for summer pruning …??? I’m quite sure they’ll forgive me – let’s wait and see how they perform this spring/summer.
Q. Did you hear about the magician who sawed people in half? A. He had lots of half-brothers and sisters.
As of tomorrow and until the end of August, we move into a very favourable moon phase for weeding … if you weed any time during the next week, you will experience the weeds pull from the soil a lot easier.
It is important to always look after your back and knees while weeding so take your time, do half-hour stints! Extensive research has proven that gardens and gardening reduce stress, moderate anxiety/depression and assist those with post-traumatic stress. Being in your garden – whether you’re weeding, pruning, fertilizing or even sitting on a chair contemplating which task you might do next – its ALL GOOD FOR YOU!
There has been increased interest in CLIMBING ROSES … we guess it’s because people have smaller gardens, they still want colourful, fragrant flowers for at least 8 – 9 months of the year so they’re going ‘upwards’ … here are a few of my favourite climbing roses which are sure to delight you in your garden …
Grows to around 3 metres in a beautiful fan shape against a wall with pure, bright red, moderately fragrant blooms continually throughout the season.

Light pink, full-petalled blooms with the most amazing fragrance. This rose is the most-used flower in bridal arrangements in Europe … awesome rose!
Strong pink/magenta intensely fragrant blooms cover the vigorous branches of this supremely healthy, disease resistant climber.
This week Diana received an on-line order from MR. LAJOIE … and responded:
Hi .. thank you for your order. I saw your name first and thought “oh, I hope he’s getting JEANNE LA JOIE” and sure enough you are!!! So pleased as you will be thrilled with it in your garden. Your roses will be posted today … enjoy!
His response: Cheers!! Not a common name here. We’ve planted one in every home we’ve had. Many thanks … K Lajoie
We both absolutely love this miniature climbing rose and highly recommend it where you want prolific cover and masses of blooms continually – ideal to espalier.
My dear mate Barry (Bawwy) has a rabbit (wabbit) that’s always getting tired so a friend suggested that he place the rabbit in the refrigerator. Why? Because it’s a Westinghouse. Read it again and you’ll get it … Enjoy the last days of winter – Gra
Got space for another couple of roses this season? You’ll notice in the online store that we are now posting POTTED ROSES but unless you absolutely have to have the roses in pots, please continue ordering BARE-ROOTED ROSES because I pack them so well, they continue to grow in transit! Yes, they do because there is coir-fibre potting medium at their root-zone, they’re moist and travel extremely well!
When you get your roses, I suggest you plant them as soon as possible – not necessarily as urgently as Jenny did …
By mid-late September I will cancel the BARE-ROOTED ROSES option in the online store so please, if you need more roses this season, take advantage of acquiring magnificent quality bare-rooted roses NOW!