Yes, in just a month from today, Santa will have come and be on his merry way home – hope we can help make your Christmas gift a living, lasting and beautiful present for your loved one this year!
Since it’s so close to Christmas we’re taking orders NOW for GIFT ROSES to be posted – please note that NO ROSES WILL BE POSTED AFTER THURSDAY, 17TH DECEMBER, 2015 *
(*only Melbourne Metro can be posted on Monday, 21st December)
Here are some beaut gift ideas – EVERY gift will be beautifully GIFT-WRAPPED for FREE and price includes pack and post:
- ALL ABOUT ROSES – my book, personally signed with your message if you would like me to inscribe your own words – $44.95
- ORGANIC ROSE MANAGEMENT PACK – for a person where there’s no space for a new rose but is interested in caring for the roses they have! Pack includes: 100g ECO SEAWEED, 500g ECO-ROSE and 500ml ECO-OIL and ‘how-to’ information – $76.50 and we’ll put ECO-AMINOGRO (foliage fertilizer) in FREE saving $18.50!
- There are a host of magnificent roses which would make an ideal gift – maybe these pics will inspire you … $69.90 as a completely beautiful GIFT ROSE …
The glorious large pale yellow/cream blooms with a hint of pink at the edge are delightfully fragrant and produce a stunning continual display of blooms.

Dare you to send this to your parents if you have siblings!!! This magnificent Modern Shrub Rose produces masses of bright canary yellow clusters of fragrant blooms on a beautifully healthy shrub with glossy mid-green foliage and magnificent crimson new foliage – highly recommended rose!

if you cannot be with your family this Christmas, send them this beautiful rose which has a name to suit your message! CLOSE TO YOU produces long, strong stems of pale lemon perfectly formed large Hybrid Tea blooms continually throughout the season. There is a wonderful fruity/spice fragrance and dark green glossy foliage.

Maybe this would be a great idea if you have a difficult situation in your garden …
Hi Diana, We have a very big suburban garden. Here are the PEACE roses you sent me in your beautiful gift boxes last December after Mum died. This hedge needs trimming! The first photo shows the self-watering pots; they are complete with mulch made from Mum’s sympathy cards. I think the birds have been pinching the shredded cards for their nests. Better than chucking them in the recycling. Monica
My response: That’s such a super idea to hide the pots like that – gives the impression that the roses are in fact, in the ground! Also, gets you out in the garden daily to water the pots!!! Good stuff all ’round! Thanks for sharing … enjoy the flowers! Cheers, Diana
Hi Diana, the previous owners established the box hedges but nothing much else would establish under the trees. The pots only need watering once or twice a week as the reservoir keeps them moist. They are really quite water efficient. I water them from the top and any run off goes into the reservoir for use between watering. The plants are healthier and use less water than those I have in the ground. I’m thrilled with them. Monica

Helping roses get through summer … to a 10 litre bucket/watering can:
- Add ¼ cup of Eco-rose (Eco-fungicide) to protect foliage from black-spot/mildew by altering the pH of the foliage – clever science!
- In the same mix, add ¼ cup of Eco-oil (Eco-insecticide) which not only makes the products ‘stick’ to the foliage but also deals with pesky insects which can attack roses and other plants in your garden – use on veggies and safely harvest after spraying.
- Add seaweed solution – follow directions on pack of product you use – we use Eco-seaweed which is 1 teaspoon of powder to 10 litres – very economical!
We recommend you apply the above products IN THE MORNING and NEVER when the temperature is expected to reach 30 degrees!
Q. What does Santa say in a race? A. Ready, set, HO!
During summer, continue to fertilize the soil with quality organic fertilizer – we use and recommend C.O.F. – Complete Organic Fertilizer with high quantity of humates which enrich the soil and assist in moisture retention!
Q. What do you get if you cross Santa Claus with a duck? A. A Christmas quacker!
If you have any particular issues with your roses, don’t hesitate to send through photos so that in consultation with Diana, I can answer your queries. We enjoy receiving pics of your rose gardens too!!

Take it easy in the lead-up to Christmas – give yourself a break with time to ‘smell the roses’ … Cheers from us here at Clonbinane – Diana, Graham & Mooi