Hello dear rose friends as we here at Clonbinane say goodbye to another magnificent season of beautiful flowering roses … some of the last flowers in our gardens are stunning.
is putting on a delightful display – lovely floribunda rose with near-thornless stems produces bunches of blooms which are perfect for a vase on a medium sized, well-rounded, very healthy shrub. I love it that this rose is always different throughout the season – both in colour and flower shape – see all the pics at
is producing an abundance of blooms to ensure that Graham can take my Mum a bunch of highly fragrant roses as his “thanks for taking up the hems on my new trousers” – Mum just loves the roses in vases …
Now we’re dealing with sticks but oh, my word, those sticks are such amazing quality after such a long, hot, dry summer – it was a perfect season for establishing roses, especially since our grower has a plentiful supply of ground water and magnificent soil which he nurtures with organic fertilizer, crop-rotation and good management!
Not ALL the roses come in the first consignment – if your order contains standard roses, they are the last to be dug later in June so we will notify you then. Some varieties of roses need to be left in the ground that little bit longer … please be patient about your order arriving – we promise to notify you prior to posting your roses so you know to expect them.
If you have any particular queries about your rose order, please email Diana at and I will contact you within 24 hours of your enquiry.
A few beautiful testimonials which we would like to share:
Thank you so much, what wonderful service. The lady we are giving the Rose to is called Cecilia it is the perfect gift. I can’t thank you enough for your attentive service and care. Your company will be highly recommended.
Many thanks Carolyn
Oh Diana …Thank you so much, one of my colleagues Dad died on the ward we work on so this would be beautiful, thank you for your kindness, what a great company you are.
Please know that we do our absolute best when it comes to supplying the most beautiful quality roses along with great customer service and patience is a virtue when you’re excited to get your roses in the ground!

When preparing the soil for planting roses I suggest you use ‘humus compost’ and add ‘rockdust’ at the planting hole.
Q. What do you get if you cross a spider with an elephant? A. I’m not sure, but if you see one walking across the ceiling then run before it falls down!
Any good nursery/garden centre which supplies ‘GROW BETTER’ products will have quality compost and Munash Rockdust and Renew (sea minerals) which is the activator for the microbes in Rockdust. We are convinced of the value of adding these vital minerals to our soil and scattered over our potted roses as it increases their immunity to fungus diseases and keeps their foliage healthy – here is a testimonial from somebody we don’t know but understand his experiences:
“I’ve been a gardener for over thirty years, growing shrubs, fruit trees, ornamentals and vegetables. Ten years ago we moved to a bright sunny apartment in Sydney with a large north facing balcony. This was a dramatic change from my usual gardening. Potted and indoor plants.Easy I thought but after several years I was having minimal success.
A couple of years ago, we were invited to a function at the Wayside Chapel which included a tour of the apartment in which Indira Naidoo lives. Her ‘Edible Balcony’ was amazing. It was here that we were introduced to Munash Renew and the Munash Rock Dust.
I was at first quite sceptical, the Munash Rock Dust looked a lot like the blue metal I had used under the pavers and the amount to use of the Revive was minuscule but Indira had recommended it, so I would give it a go.
It is difficult to describe the results, within a week we had a dramatic turnaround, the foliage greened and the plants had a vigour I had not been able to achieve with a multitude of other products. We now have a balcony garden that is, may I dare say, as good as Indira’s and indoor plants that just glow.
I would highly recommend both the Munash Renew and Rock Dust for use on balconies and indoor plants. I could only assume their use on outdoor plants would create an Amazonian type environment.”
We urge you to use these products when planting your roses this winter – we especially recommend you apply Rockdust and Renew on your veggie garden as our food is grown in soils which lack vital minerals – ensure supreme quality, mineral rich veggies from your own garden!
Here’s a bit of a story … Mrs. Kranky: “Doctor, I’m extremely worried about my husband. He keeps thinking he’s turned into a chicken.” Doctor: “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Mrs. Kranky: “Well, we’ve needed the eggs.”
My Langshan chooks are still laying because they get a daily ration of ‘greens’ – silverbeet, kale, weeds and herbs which have gone to seed. What you put in, you will get out – applies to a lot of things in life, most definitely! Enjoy the last flowers of this season … Gra

There’s no rush but for those who like to prune early, come along to:
10.30am and 1.30pm
Please bring your secateurs for sharpening
and bring the kids too!
Bookings not essential.
We will advise of pruning demonstrations in coming months!
Here’s a beautiful picture of one of the last blooms on FIRESTAR which is a most exceptional rose in all climates – lasting blooms on a very free-flowering, stunningly healthy bush for a blast of dynamic colour.

See you soon at Clonbinane … Diana, Graham and Mooi