ROSE RAMBLER 26.9.2013
Hello dear rose friends … Well into this magnificent Spring season and in some parts of Australia, you will be enjoying flowers on the roses … we’ve got buds on all the potted roses even here at cold Clonbinane and the garden is delightfully poised in readiness for the rose blooming … got my camera charged and ready so that I can take all the ‘missing’ photos for the website.
It is imperative that I take the photos myself for this website – there are so many ‘doctored’ pictures on the internet … our integrity will not allow us to show you anything other than the exquisite true beauty of each rose.
In my experience of taking pictures of the roses, I bring the camera to the computer, download all the photos and name them. I have gone back to those photos months later and would swear that I got the name incorrect! Not so … every rose has a time when it looks very different – it’s not always ‘perfect’ and so my intention is to present a gallery where you can enjoy the variables of each rose – I’ve never set small tasks for myself and this is a huge one!
TESTIMONIAL … Got this lovely email the other day:
Diana, Thankyou so much for all your courteous assistance. What an asset you must be to your employer!!! I have contacted greenroses, I will let you know how we get on. Kindest regards, Donna
So excited I was, that I went and spoke to the boss/upper-level management, Graham and suggested I might be worthy of a rise ??? He told me to ‘get in the shed’ …? I was laughing too hard to go there!
GRA’S GARDEN … DID YOU KNOW ??? (Different heading this week … must be stuff worth knowing … ! Ed.)
- Using a broom is good for your body – great exercise and oh, by the way, why was the broom late? It over swept!
- Slugs and snails are on the march with all this wet weather and they will be hiding in the places we gardeners never think to look. There are snail and slug pellets which are formulated to keep our pets, birds, fauna and earthworms safe! I use the ‘Multiguard’ snail pellets because they’re garden friendly and eventually break-down as soil nutrients. Read the ‘caution’ on the pack and take care when using!
- CELEBRATE .. look out for our 30th birthday celebrations – yes, we started out 30 years ago and dreamed to create a totally organic business that inspired people to lead more sustainable lives. We are a registered sustainable nursery – the 5th to be approved in Victoria and we sell (and use) all Australian made products, where possible!
SPECTACULAR ROSE EVENT … Many avid rose gardeners have never afforded the opportunity to visit the State Rose Garden at Werribee – a rose garden renowned as being one of the BEST PUBLIC ROSE GARDENS IN THE WORLD!
You MUST plan to visit the State Rose Garden and an ideal time will be on
11.00am – 4.00pm
when a host of rose growers/nurseries and horticultural exhibitors will be there – the roses will be at their absolute peak of flowering for the STATE ROSE GARDEN SHOW.
In a rather extraordinary turn of events, I booked for our family to attend a Slumber Safari at the Werribee Zoo to celebrate Graham’s 70th birthday on Saturday, 30th November – within hours of confirming the booking, I received an email about this Show which, obviously, we will definitely be taking part in!
See you at Werribee to celebrate with us!!!
SQUISHING APHIDS … As of last night, I won’t be doing it anymore because I have learned that when I squish the aphids, I’m probably killing a host of predators as well – it all makes sense really because when I pulled a leaf that was hosting an amazing number of aphids, on checking the underside, sure enough, I saw the predator and a few minutes later, I had a tiny ladybird crawling on my jumper!
We did our regular spray maintenance program this morning – we know that we’re not harming any of the predators by using the Eco products … we’re just giving Mother Nature a gentle hand in controlling the aphids which are feeding on all the lush new rose foliage!
CHECK THE TIES … If you haven’t already done so, please go and check all the ties on the standard roses – see that the weeping roses are well supported too! We use and recommend the Velcro double-sided tape – can send it in the post if you’re frustrated trying to find a suitable tie material for your roses – $18.50 per 3 metre and $24.50 per 5 metre with pack and post a minimal extra.
IN CLOSING … Please continue to send your beautiful pictures of the roses at your place – I think it would be fun to organise a special ‘art show’ of Roses Only … will get something sorted and let you know when … meantime, enjoy the roses at your place and be happy!
Cheer from Diana & Graham Sargeant at Clonbinane