ROSE RAMBLER …3.6.2016 …
Hello dear rose friends and welcome to winter and a whole new year of beautiful roses! We’ll be contacting you shortly to advise that your roses are ready for posting so we hope you’ve done the necessary preparations which our magnificent quality roses deserve to ensure they flourish for many years in your garden … here are a few tips for planting bare-rooted roses …

As soon as you can, after receiving your parcel of roses in the post, remove them from the box and soak them in a trough/bucket to which you have added a proportional amount of seaweed powder or solution – the roses are good in this soak for 24 hours but if you’re planting immediately, just give them a dip – pour the remaining solution over the roses after you’ve soaked them to a slurry with the hose!
NEVER OVERWATER NEWLY PLANTED ROSES – let them settle in gently – most gardens will have had some rain and the garden won’t need watering for a while but fortnightly light applications of seaweed over all plants will ensure frost tolerance to between 3-5 degrees and even if you don’t experience frost in your area, you’ll encourage good root development and healthy foliage through coming months!
Add liquid fertilizer such as ECO-AMINOGRO to the seaweed for balanced, gentle feeding while the roses are settling in and starting to form roots which will, in turn, produce healthy foliage – I know I harp on this, but the more healthy foliage on your roses, the more beautiful, colourful and long-lasting flowers your roses will produce – it’s ALL ABOUT HEALTHY FOLIAGE which is produced from microbe/humus rich soil where the roots are feeding – give them the best possible start WHEN YOU PLANT YOUR NEW ROSES!
Q. What do you call a horse that lives next door? A. Your neigh-bour …
We’re always asked “what’s your favourite rose?” … the one which looks sensational today is usually my response and here are a few that have been superb in recent weeks while we’ve had cold nights and rain on the flowers …
Probably my most favourite white rose for its resilience in ALL WEATHER – it produces beautifully formed huge pure white blooms which last well in a vase on a magnificently shaped bush of medium height with darkest-green, most healthy foliage

The stripes on these blooms are sensational with every single flower unique and perfectly beautiful – slashes of crimson red with yellow/cream – voluptuous and exotic, extraordinarily healthy and very free flowering – awesome rose!

Deep lilac with rich purple tips on each petal, perfectly formed blooms ideal for flowering arranging on an upright, medium height bush which tolerates hot weather conditions.

Q. What do you call a box of ducks? A. A box of quackers …
Next week, I’ll be sharing information about digging holes for your new roses … Gra

See you soon at Clonbinane … Diana, Graham and Mooi 
Remember, rose pruning demonstrations on
SATURDAY, 11TH JUNE 10.30 AND 1.30!