ROSE RAMBLER 05.10.2017 …
Hello, dear rose friends. When the Rose Rambler was posted 10 years ago today, it went with a sticker celebrating the arrival of our grandson Logan who now regularly visits the Rose Farm and told us recently that he would like to come and work here on weekends!
The next generation steps up as the sun shines and even the morning temperature allows us to wander into the garden early to pull a weed or lift a nodding daffodil and enjoy its stunning petal formation … take a look at this beauty which you will find in catalogues as Narcissus ‘MOONDRAGON’ …

Q. If teeth were shoes what would they be? A. GUMBOOTS … how could you NOT get that?
yes, you’ll be fertilizing the soil which, in turn, will feed your roses. Be sure and purchase the best quality fertilizer you can buy locally!!!
Here’s an email conversation …
“Hi Gra … All the 19 bareroots I bought off you are coming on nicely. They certainly enjoyed the winter rain at Daylesford. Just a question, how soon after planting the bareroot roses can we use blood and bone meal? ” Many thanks – Penny
MY RESPONSE … Hi Penny … Quite frankly, I wouldn’t use it at all – seriously, unless you add ALL THE OTHER NUTRIENTS, (POTASH, TRACE ELEMENTS, ETC. ETC. ETC.) using JUST blood and bone would be like feeding your roses McDonald’s – they’ll get a rush but not a lot of substance!
Fertilizer manufacturers have taken the science of feeding plants and put it in a bag for us – here at the Rose Farm, we have magnificent fertilizer – COMPLETE ORGANIC FERTILIZER manufactured at Invergordon about 1 hour up the road.
Yes, we’re lucky to have this available to us very close to home; it suits our sustainable policy!
Go to your local nursery or horticultural supplier and be advised which is the best and most economical fertilizer (preferably organic) available in your area. Cheers … Graham
Q. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A. A bricklayer.
When fertilizing your soil, consider the following points:
- Apply fertilizer when plants/foliage is dry to avoid fert sticking to foliage;
- Never remove mulch; apply fertilizer over mulch then water in;
- Clever fertilizer application – just prior to soaking rain!
- Fertilize regularly; light applications / frequently is perfect for most plants;
- Sprinkle pellet fertilizer over the soil – not in clumps at the base of plants;
- If using a liquid fertilizer, ALWAYS add ECO-SEAWEED POWDER as a bonus!
If you regularly apply animal manure/compost around your roses, you should be able to alternate, using commercial fertilizer every 6 months or so just to be sure you have a good balance of minor nutrients and trace elements which are REALLY important to maintain healthy foliage, prolific flowering and generally happy roses!
Roses will let you know they need fertilizing when the foliage is continually plagued by black spot which is definitely a sign of stress!
Roses for when you need an angel in your life…
How truly lovely it is when such appropriately named roses suit a certain situation as these two truly beautiful varieties do …

“Hi, Thank you so much for your wonderful roses. I bought 7 roses a few months ago to create a memorial garden. I bought EARTH ANGEL and GUARDIAN ANGEL. You can see they are flourishing.” Kind regards – Susan
- Extremely healthy shrub rose
- Creamy-white swirling mass of petals
- Enduring blooms in all weather
- Ideal gift for the loss of a pregnancy or baby!
EARTH ANGEL is a magnificent addition to the KORDES PARFUMA COLLECTION with extremely healthy, dark green foliage on a rather short bush to 75-90cms tall and nicely rounded.
The beautifully shaped old-world style blooms remind me of a peony with a thick, swirling mass of petals as the bloom slowly opens to present a fresh fruity fragrance which is particularly evident on a warm, still evening. Hold a nearly open bloom in your palms – the warmth from your body will entice the sweet fragrance to emerge.

If you’re out and about in country Victoria during the coming weeks there is a Rose Show at the Kyabram Town Hall – no competition but every gardener in town will put their lovely roses on display – Graham will be there with potted roses and products. He’d love to have a chat with you there!!!
On 15th October there will be six magnificent gardens open in CHARLTON where the Annual Rotary Art Show is exhibiting. Gra and I will be wandering around there too as we make our way to KERANG for the NORTHERN ANNUAL GARDEN CLUBS CONFERENCE ON MONDAY 16th October – we are keynote speakers at this event.
See you there!!!

on the Hume Freeway, 60 kms north of Melbourne
9 – 4 PM – PH. 03 5787 1123 …
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