Hello dear rose friends and a hearty, warm welcome to all our new subscribers since the Plant Expo last weekend where we had a most spectacular display of 60 vases of rose blooms … here are a few pics in case you weren’t able to attend.
The MOST POPULAR rose was
with such an outstanding and unusual colour…
Although it was in a shaded position, everybody gasped when they sniffed FORGET-ME-NOT and it was truly sensational … and worthy of the magnificently healthy, rounded shrub which supports these stunning blooms

A huge bowl of MUNSTEAD WOOD with perfectly formed Hybrid Tea buds which opened to a swirling mass of darkest crimson petals with enormous fragrance was very popular…

and CARMAGNOLE had people gasping at it’s beauty…

And there were way, way more that deserve mention so I’ll share them in coming Rose Ramblers because they were simply extraordinary!

Q. What bow doesn’t tie? A. A rainbow.
Saw a magnificent rainbow today when the rain was easing and the clouds cleared to intermittent blue sky and showers. After a lovely dump of more than 10mms of deep-soaking rain the gardens will be stunning for when 220 people come visiting on this weekend as part of the Art & Roses Tours in conjunction with Kilmore Art Expo.
Next week I promise to start giving you all the hints and tips for preparing your rose gardens for winter planting and sharing more information about the Biodynamics Course which I recently attended – I’ve had the whip on me to weed MY garden beds and generally clean up around the place for our visitors this weekend – a bloke’s gotta do what a bloke’s gotta do!
Whatever you do, rake every single autumn leave ready for the composting ideas I’ll be sharing in coming newsletters … one last joke: Q. What is the easiest way to grow tall? A. Sleep long!
Enjoy your roses while you can … Gra

If you’re out for a weekend drive, call in at Hidden Valley Country Club, the Rotary Art Show at Memorial Hall, Kilmore or here at Silkies Rose Farm (you might score one of our famous Devonshire Teas if you time it right!) and you’ll enjoy a lovely ‘round-trip’ of our region.
After this busy time of Plant Expo and Art Shows we’ll be seriously back into ALL ABOUT ROSES with hints and tips to enjoy the most of your rose garden prior to winter, how to prepare gardens for winter planting and entice you to order magnificent quality two-year-old winter roses from our extensive range.

A new catalogue will be available at soon but if you know which roses you want to order for this winter, do it NOW because all the new release 2016 roses are available for ordering and we’re guessing that lots will sell-out very quickly!
Meantime, hope you’re enjoying peaceful times in your garden
now the weather is cooler and hope we see you soon at Clonbinane …Cheers from Diana, Graham & Mooi