Hello dear rose friends …
‘There is no velvet as soft as a mother’s lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path as flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.’ Archibald Thompson
We will make it for some glorious rose blooms this Mother’s Day as some of the roses revel in autumn weather and do their absolute best to ensure we maintain our passion for their beauty right to the very end of what has been an amazing flowering season!

Let her come to the nursery or shop online for her own selection of our magnificent roses and to seriously indulge your Mum, let us add $10 to every voucher over $50.00 for this very special occasion to celebrate the Mother in your life …
*We will know which vouchers are Mother’s Day gifts and will add the $10 at our end!

Still no frost here as the magnificent DAHLIA in our front garden continues to flower as it has been since Christmas Day last year. We rely on this beauty as our ‘frost detector’ because it will turn black overnight and wilt into dormancy until next season … no, please don’t ask me its name – I just know we revel in the bright red, profuse flowering glory of this plant for at least three months every year – this year it’s exceeded expectations as we move into 5 months of flowers!
You see, we do grow and enjoy lots of other plants besides roses but still think roses are far greater value than lots of other flowering plants for their continual, free-flowering habit over such a very, very long season, their amazing fragrances and spectacular, variable beauty in size, colour and shape of blooms! Are we biased …??? Nah! Just truthful!
Let me share this magnificent photograph of CLIMBING GOLD BUNNY which I received from Megan … as long as you fertilize and dead-head this beauty while it’s flowering, you are guaranteed a continual mass of blooms throughout the season – it will be the first to flower and almost surely, the last to flower in your garden …

While on a short break last week, Diana and I walked through a couple of public rose gardens – impressive to see that although roses are untended, they seem to flourish and I was able to ‘nick’ a few seed pods (hips) of varieties which I would like to grow seedlings from – do you know how to do this?
On topic just a short digress for a joke: Q. What would you get if you crossed a vampire with a teacher? A. Lots of blood tests.
It’s the most rewarding fun to see your own rose seedlings emerge and I would love you to come and learn all about this and a whole lot more about roses on
SATURDAY, 16TH MAY – 11am – 2pm BYO lunch
and we’ll put the billy on for a cuppa … $25.00 per attendee – we’ll donate this money to CLONBINANE CFA. Book NOW because I will restrict numbers for this session
– call Diana, my Secretary, on 03 5787 1123 to book your place!
I know I tend to harp on it but gee, these are interesting stats from a report in UK …
“We know that there are an array of benefits for people who get outdoors and get their hands in the soil. They include being active, getting fresh air, and meeting others. What we would now like to see is more GPs signposting their patients into these outdoor growing activities as a more cost effective way of keeping people healthy.” Sarah Williams, project manager for Growing Health.
Dr Middleton said: “Gardening, horticulture and agriculture provide a healthy form of exercise but also help people, if they are growing vegetables and fruit for instance, to understand what a healthy diet is.”
Gardening should be used increasingly to help with public health and I think doctors should be recommending this to patients. The projects give patients both physical and mental benefits as well as helping to reduce social isolation, loneliness and depression.
It is believed that every £1 the NHS spends on outdoor schemes saves £5 in treatments”
Our Australian figures would measure the same so be sure and enjoy lots of gardening activities – no matter what the weather is and today, I went and had my flu immunisation so this last joke is kind of relevant:
Q. What kind of cough medicine does Dracula take? A. Coffin medicine
– enjoy the moments in your garden this week and see you soon at Clonbinane where the roses are still flowering and the autumn trees a delight … Gra

We wish all the Mothers a very special, enjoyable and relaxing Mother’s Day and take time out to enjoy what pleases you most!
If you’re up early, Graham will be on the panel at 3CR talk-back radio gardening show on Sunday from 7.30 – 9.15am. This is great Sunday morning radio at 855 on the AM dial … listen in and give him a call!!!
~ Cheers from Diana, Graham and Mooi at Clonbinane