ROSE RAMBLER 08.9.2016…
Hello dear rose friends where we’ve got the mower bogged because the ground is so wet but the sun is shining and there is a definite hint of spring happening … thanks to the local Shire team who hauled the mower out … just gotta love living in a country location where Aussies helping Aussies works!

There are all sorts of reasons and occasions which deserve a magnificent potted rose – just last week I received an order from Elaine in UK and I want to share with you how significant our GIFT ROSE is in people’s lives ….
Thank you Diana … Kylie and I have been friends for 40 years this year. I opened my first ‘pen friend’ letter from her on my birthday 40 years ago. A special year for lots of reasons. She is a florist so will love the idea of a rose bush and David Austin Roses is based a few miles from where we live and somewhere we visit often. MOLINEUX is a lovely rose but also chosen because it is the name of our local soccer club grounds and as it happens, Kylie is a big fan of Robert Plant – a board member at the club!!! Fingers crossed she loves it. ElaineMy response: Gosh but I’m so, so lucky to be part of these beautiful events in people’s lives … here’s a whole history of two people who met as pen-friends and now 40 years later I step in and provide a magnificent rose to celebrate that! I’m respectful and feel privileged to be part of the celebration … thank you! Enjoy the phone call when Kylie calls to thank you too … best wishes
When you have an occasion in your life that deserves a really beautiful rose which will be planted in the recipient’s garden to be enjoyed for many years, please let me send them one of our gorgeous GIFT ROSES for $73.90* which includes postage along with a 20cm potted rose with colour-matched gift wrapping, a lovely rose card with your personal message and packed in a beautiful, sturdy gift box.
*You can select any variety of rose from to be presented as a GIFT ROSE or go to for ideas as to which rose suits the occasion.

It’s that time of year when pesky insects like aphids start to invade but we urge you not to be too concerned and let nature take its course as it most surely will and the roses will ‘tough it out’. While aphids are evident earlier than ladybirds, the organic spray program will keep things in order as the Eco-oil will suffocate larval stage insects … read more here
Is the spray program supposed to kill the sucking bugs or mainly to strengthen the roses to cope with the bugs? Please help, Thanks, Jo
Hi Jo … if you have an infestation, the eco-oil will suffocate SOME of the adults, definitely the larval stage babies and some of the ‘in between’ so you repeat the spray according to all the directions until the breeding cycle is reduced … whatever you do, DON’T go and buy a chemical spray – not even PYRETHRUM as it will start the cycle all over again because you’ll have killed ALL THE PREDATORS!
If you have flowers in your garden (any flowers, daffodils for example) you’ll soon start to see ladybirds – let them help with the clean-up of aphids … they’ll love them!
It’s about a balance – hope you have the patience to continue … your garden will eventually be an ecologically balanced space where everything works together … cheers
Q. Why are adults always complaining? A. Because they are ‘groan ups’ … with school holidays around the corner when lots of Grandparents step up to the plate and entertain their grandchildren at this time, use this as an opportunity to share your garden knowledge with the gardeners of the future.
Do you know, most frequently, when people ask for a heritage/old-fashioned rose, they want it because it was grown in their grandparents’ garden and has significant memories which they want to replicate in their own garden today! True!!! One of the most popular heritage roses this past winter is: R. CHINENSIS ‘mutabilis’ … unbelievably awesome rose which we are pleased to see back in fashion …
Last week I talked about our STANDARD ROSES … here are a few more which you are most unlikely to find anywhere but at Silkies Rose Farm, and they’re still listed online as bare-rooted plants for $42.50 each.
A Delbard rose of immense beauty and bright colour –
lovely, lovely cut flower and beautiful shape on a standard stem …

What a spectacularly healthy, robust and free-flowering this
glorious modern shrub rose is as a standard specimen …

Stunningly free-flowering and healthy,
awesomely eye-catching mass of blooms
and bee-attracting fragrance… highly recommended rose

Q. Why were the strawberries always late? A. Because they kept getting stuck in a jam!

24th and 25th SEPTEMBER … and I will be there hosting a site as well as presenting on the speaker program at 2.00pm SATURDAY 24TH … will keep you posted on this time slot!
I suggest you make your way to Yea for this weekend event – Yea is one of my favourite destinations when I have a free day – the local Café’s serve magnificent coffee and food; the ambiance within the lovely country town atmosphere is relaxing and special – hope to see you at Yea later this month. Gra.

Please note that the nursery is open every FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY when we are ALWAYS here and you don’t need to phone us to let us know you are visiting!
If you leave a message on our phones, I will respond but please when you record your message/phone number SPEAK SLOWLY so that I can transcribe it. Please be sure that if you leave an email at your email will be responded to within 24 hours.
Continue to order roses NOW and I guarantee you will be delighted with how the roses transit so well with their roots nestled in moist coir-fibre, wrapped in damp newspaper and sealed in plastic bags.
When you receive your roses, plant them asap and they will be flowering from October / November onwards – remember, our roses are 100% GUARANTEED to give you pleasure for many years to come.

Be happy in your garden this spring …
Diana, Graham, Mooi & Tova at Clonbinane